Are YOU Following School of Pharmacy Social Media?

Pacific University School of Pharmacy (SOP) social media platforms are back and better than ever. Check us out!

We are very active and post information multiple times a week, from anything to fun happenings taking place at SOP, student org events, immunization clinics, upcoming SOP events and key, life changing moments in our students' academic lives.

The world is so fast paced and we realize that many of us get our information from our phones and reading social media posts. So we made it a point to ensure we're modernized and providing our followers with important, often real-time information. 

Now the big question is, are you following us?  If not, you definitely should! You can find our handles below for LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Start following us and find out all of the exciting things taking place at School of Pharmacy. You won't be disappointed!








Monday, Oct. 16, 2023