Silk Road Review Issue Twenty Launches Online

The editorial team of Silk Road Review: A Literary Crossroads is pleased to announce the official web launch of issue twenty (originally published last spring), a celebration of over ten years and three hundred works published from around the world. This issue is a retrospective, featuring new work from fiction writers, poets, memoirists, translators, and playwrights, alongside old favorites.

Since its inception, Silk Road has prioritized showcasing a range of voices, providing readers a broad and complex sense of the world by publishing innovative, professional work that pushes the boundaries of literary art. Along with reprinted pieces from Sarah Brownmiller, Emily Fritzler, Caitlin Hill, G. Elizabeth Kretchmer, Josie Sigler, Rosalia Scalia, Wen Peihong, and Xu Xi, you will find an interview with Chitra Divakaruni, the award-winning and bestselling Indian-American author, poet, activist, and teacher of writing. As the Editors' Note describes, through “her work with women with domestic violence to her portrayals of immigrants, [Chitra] responds to and informs the moments we’re all living in. We can’t think of a finer goal for a writer or a literary magazine.”

We invite you to visit to learn more about Pacific University’s undergraduate-run literary magazine, read the recently launched online version of issue twenty, get your own print copy, or purchase an Annual Print Subscription for yourself or as a gift. Stay up-to-date with our latest issues and events on Twitter and Facebook.

Are you an artist? Silk Road accepts vibrant, well-crafted fiction, nonfiction, essays, poetry, one-act plays, translations, first chapters, and artwork that explore human dynamics and social transformations. We are especially interested in works exploring diversity, migration, and otherwise internationally relevant writing that focuses on the idea of unity while also emphasizing the richness of individual cultures, the myriad of ways of being human, and the importance of empathy and inclusion. We are now accepting work for issue twenty-two, which you can share with us through Submittable.

To learn more about the staff who made this issue possible, visit the masthead for issue twenty. For business and other correspondence, get in touch by email at

Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018