What is Mission Fulfillment? Attend a NWCCU Site Visit Accreditation Open Forum

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities evaluators will be on campus Oct. 4 to 6, as part of our accreditation cycle and evaluation of how we deliver on our university mission. You can read the two reports Pacific has submitted with evidence on how we are working to meet our mission:

Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review Report (PRFR), submitted September 2022

Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report, submitted in August 2023

Pacific’s mission: Pacific University is a diverse and sustainable community dedicated to discovery and excellence in teaching, scholarship and practice, Pacific University inspires students to think, care, create, and pursue justice in our world.

As part of this review, evaluators from the NWCCU want to hear from faculty, staff, and students.    

Consider joining us at one of the open forum opportunities to share your favorite stories and experiences that meet our mission. They can be experiences inside or outside of the classroom in one of the many co-curricular activities Pacific offers.

Evaluators will also be interested in how Pacific uses assessment data to make changes and improvements that support our mission. Think about some of the ways you participate in collection of data to improve the student experience at Pacific. Course evaluations, employee surveys, the annual Campus Climate survey, and other methods of gathering input provide important information in measuring outcomes and effectiveness. How have you seen feedback bring about changes in areas within the institution?

Consider what are things we are doing well in the student experience and where can we improve.

Evaluators will be interested in hearing about some of the things we are doing to meet student needs while delivering on our mission. What are some areas of academic and student support where we have celebrated meeting the needs of our diverse students and what are some areas that are still in progress?

(High-level supervisors with personnel evaluation and budget setting powers should not attend.) Any student can attend the student forum, although employees who are students are advised to refrain from attending if their attendance could risk compromising the comfort of the non-employee student population to participate openly. To protect the confidentiality of participants, no photos or recording of forums is allowed.

Monday, Sept. 18, 2023