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Paula Kutzner smiling
Paula Kutzner OD '18 developed a school-based vision therapy program as part of her thesis for the Master of Education/Visual Function in Learning program. The innovative service was so successful that it will continue even though she's graduated.
Student smiling working with an Aphasia patient
“The No. 1 thing that is lost in aphasia is words,” said Annabelle Watts SLP ’17. “I really hope participants who come here realize there is this gigantic world of communication and that here are all these other ways to facilitate that and have fun and re-engage with life and with their partner.”
Andrea Eitner Smiling in interview
Music therapy major Andrea Eitner '17 explores the uses of music therapy in the NICU — and finds a career aspiration.
Irisa Grimes
Marine veteran and Pacific University public health major Irisa Grimes '17 has created a pilot program to provide better health services for transgender veterans.
Makkie Conching smiling in her interview
Senior Makkie Conching developed a vertical gardening system for her sustainable design major, hoping to help those with limited garden space grow their own food. "About 85 percent of our food in Hawai‘i is imported," said Conching, who is from Oahu. "I wanted to start with my family and help them produce our own food." 
Students working in the mobile EyeVan at Pacific
Pacific thanks supporters of ambitious effort to develop a new state-of-the-art vision care outreach vehicle at dedication ceremony on March 9.
Moana Keaunui smiling in a photo
Moana Keaunui is thankful for the opportunity Pacific has provided and knows that the diverse education she is receiving would not be possible without help from generous scholarships and other aid.
Miles Jackson smiling in the University Center
Miles Jackson '20 decided to attend Pacific University after falling in love with the campus and its atmosphere during a high school visit to Forest Grove.
Seamus Martin pictured smiling
Seamus Martin OD '20 said he is enjoying the opportunities the optometry program has already offered him and feels lucky to have the hands on experience that most other schools do not offer.
Alec Lugo '16 brings childhood dreams to life as he pursues his career on and off stage.
