News, Media and Stories

From President Coyle
Last week, as the first light snow of the season fell on our Oregon campuses, I was reminded of some of my favorite childhood moments in Minnesota and Alaska. I loved how, when it snowed, the world seemed to soften. For a moment, everything goes quiet and still.
If you plan to graduate in May 2023, it’s time to start working through your graduation checklist! Step 1: Apply on BoxerOnline by Jan. 15 to graduate in May!
Notifications for Forest Grove undergraduate students' academic status (warning, probation, and suspension) will be coming out soon. Learn about support opportunities!
Police Bias Training
Pacific University and the Forest Grove Police Department are challenging bias, race and policing. In October, the university hosted a private training involving scenarios about the houseless, immigrants, and a mental health crisis. Learn more about this evolving partnership that started 18 months ago.
We will be doing our annual parking lot sweeping over the Winter Break, Dec. 26-31.
In October 2022, Pacific University School of Pharmacy students attended the Oregon State Pharmacy Association (OSPA) Annual Convention in Downtown Portland. At this event, the students participated in the OTC Self-Care Challenge where they competed against Oregon State University in a competition of Jeopardy. The Pacific University students prevailed and won with a score of 3200-0!
Dr. Jessie Merlo has been appointed by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists to the Section of Pharmacy Educators Advisory Group on Student Education and Learning Experiences.
Do you have unused liquid hand sanitizer sitting unused in your office?
From President Coyle
This weekend, the Pacific University Board of Trustees voted to rename the building currently known as Harvey W. Scott Memorial Hall. The building, which is scheduled to undergo renovations starting this spring, will be temporarily renamed Pacific Hall as the university embarks on work toward a permanent new name.
Drop off donated gloves for the Western Farm Workers Association at the HR Office by Dec. 20.
