Boxer Love Stories

The perfect partners are paired at Pacific.

Did you know that more than nearly 2,400 alumni met and fell in love through Pacific University? Over the years we have compiled the Boxer love stories of these friends and classmates and we invite you to read their stories.

Did you find or nurture love at Pacific University? Please share your Boxer Love story to add to our collection. To submit your story, please email Stories are edited for spelling and grammar.

Love Story Collection

Twenty-two years ago Franz Kafka introduced Bjorn to Jeannette. Jeannette had signed up for George Evans' Studies in Fiction as a freshman, a year younger than the sophomores in the class, and far, far more able than most, most especially Bjorn.
Elinore has many happy memories but is thankful for the friendship made during her years at Pacif
Joyce and Dean first met in English class as freshmen in 1946 and “the rest is history” said Joyc
Nancy Berggren and Charles Young were freshmen in the fall of 1966.
John and Alice were married in the summer of 1948. 
Wayne and Jean both came to Pacific in the fall of 1948.
Dale remembered living in Mac Hall and all the fun activities and parties he participated in.
John remembers his painful introduction to his future wife.
A romance that started at Pacific between Walter and Marjorie Whitcomb Riess led to new generations.
