Learning Outcomes | Editing and Publishing

After Pacific | Students with experience in editing and publishing are prepared for a wide variety of careers. Our graduates operate small presses, work as graphic designers and web content writers and as editors of magazines, newspapers or books. Others use their communication skills to enhance their success in business, marketing, technical writing and other fields.

Student Learning Outcomes

The English Department teaches students to develop the following skills, which are relevant to most contemporary careers:

  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of the history of publishing, including print, digital, and other media.
  • Assess the quality and fit of submissions in a range of genres for publication in a variety of media.
  • Employ editing skills—developmental, line, and copy—to improve submissions at the levels of both form and content.
  • Collaborate with teams of editors and designers to create a quality publication that aligns with a discrete aesthetic mission.
  • Write, edit, and design print and online media for a range of entities in the arts industry.

Program Purpose

The English Department offers students guidance in acquiring and developing the skills of interpretation, critical thinking, and clear writing. For students choosing to specialize in literature or creative writing, the curriculum offers the opportunity to engage the literary traditions of Britain and the United States, as well as world literatures, and to enter into the theory and practice of literature itself.