Social Sciences Opportunities

Although not exhaustive, this list is intended to provide faculty in the natural sciences with funding resources that may be available. Please work with your Authorized University Official when seeking support.

Funding Program


The American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Visiting Scholars Program

One-year research fellowships in the areas of science, scholarship, business, public affairs, and the arts, for postdoctoral scholars and junior faculty; stipends of up to $50,000


American Association of University Women

American Fellowships

Postdoctoral research leave for women in all fields


American Chemical Society

Petroleum Research Fund

Supports fundamental research in the petroleum and energy fields and provides financial support for students at those institutions to become involved in advanced investigative research activities. Open to established scientists and engineers at non-doctoral research departments


American Mathematical Society

Centennial Fellowships

One-year fellowships for research in mathematics awarded to scholars who have held a doctoral degree for at least three years and not more than twelve years at the inception of the award


American Philosophical Society

Franklin Research Grants

Small grants to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge

October & December

Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation

Beckman Young Investigators Program

Provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of academic careers in the chemical and life sciences

This program is suspended until further notice.

James McKeen Cattell Fund

Cattell Sabbatical Awards

Support for the science and the application of psychology


Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

Contemplative Practice Fellowships

Support development of courses and teaching materials that explore contemplative practice from a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives

This program is suspended until further notice.

Council of American Overseas Research Centers

Fellowships for Advanced Multi-Country Research

Awards of $12,000 for research overseas in the Near and Middle East and South Asia, on issues of multinational significance in the social sciences, humanities, and related natural sciences


Council for International Exchange of Scholars

Traditional Fulbright Scholar Program

Grants for U.S. faculty and professionals to lecture and conduct research abroad in a wide variety of academic and professional fields


Council for International Exchange of Scholars

Fulbright Senior Specialists Program

Short-term academic opportunities (two to six weeks) for U.S. faculty and professionals


Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards

Supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences (must be nominated by institution). Criteria for selection include an independent body of scholarship attained within the first five years of their appointment as independent researchers and a demonstrated commitment to education. Provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000


Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards

Supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences (must be nominated by institution). Awards based on accomplishment in scholarly research with undergraduates, as well as a compelling commitment to teaching. Provides an unrestricted research grant of $60,000


Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Faculty Start-up Awards for Undergraduate Institutions

Awards to help new faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions to initiate independent research programs

This program is suspended until further notice.

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Various grant programs in chemistry and biochemistry


Ford Foundation (via the National Research Council)

Ford Postdoctoral Fellowships

Fellowships to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties and to maximize the educational benefits of diversity


Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

One- to two-year awards ($15,000 to $40,000) for research in the natural and social sciences and the humanities to increase understanding of violence and aggression


John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Fellowships in all fields for "advanced professionals"


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


Promote academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from abroad and in Germany


Huntington Library

Short-Term and Long-Term Awards

Fellowships for research on British and American history, literature, art history, and the history of science and medicine


M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Scientific Research, Equipment and General Grants

Awards vary, and are available to meet capacity building, research in life sciences, and general equipment match grants


National Geographic Society

Research and Exploration Grants

Awards ($15,000 to $20,000) for scientific field research in anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, botany, geography, geology, oceanography, paleontology, and zoology


National Humanities Center

Residential Fellowships

For humanists, natural and social scientists, and artists, in Research Triangle Park, NC. For AY08-09, those studying the human attributes of autonomy, singularity, and creativity are encouraged to apply. Fellowships also available in: art history or visual culture, French history or culture, Asian Studies, theology, American art history, and environmental history; stipends of up to $50,000


National Institutes of Health

NIH is the primary federal agency responsible for biomedical and behavioral research to improve the health of the nation


National Institutes of Health

Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15)

AREA awards support biomedical and behavioral research projects proposed by faculty members at institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees, but have not been major recipients of NIH support


National Research Council

Research Associateships

Opportunities in government labs - NIH/NIST/NRL


National Science Foundation

NSF funds research and education in most fields of the natural sciences and engineering. Most grants are funded through program solicitations or program announcements (unsolicited applications with no deadlines)


Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)

Science Education Programs

Fellowships, research experiences, and sabbaticals funded by government agencies


Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study


Fellowships in the natural sciences and mathematics, in residence in Cambridge, MA


Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Cottrell College Science Awards

Summer support in astronomy, physics, or chemistry, with emphasis on early career faculty (pre-proposals are due 60 days before the deadline)

For Multiple Investigator Awards click here.


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Sloan Research Fellowships

Two-year research fellowships of $50,000 for early-career faculty in chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, economics, neuroscience, relevant fields in the biological sciences, or in a related interdisciplinary field


Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

Residential fellowships for independent research projects in association with Smithsonian staff


John Templeton Foundation

Supports bold ideas that engage the "big questions" and draw in multiple disciplines, including natural and human sciences, philosophy, and theology


Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF)

U.S. Faculty Scholar Grants Program

The VEF Faculty Scholar Grants aim to contribute to building capacity in science and technology in Vietnam, to help Vietnamese institutions address specific educational challenges, and to build positive relationships between U.S. and Vietnamese institutions of higher education and their faculty. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, holding an academic position of Associate Professor, Professor, or Emeritus. Supported fields for this teaching program include science, engineering, mathematics, public health, medicine, and technology. The maximum grant is $55,000


Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Career Enhancement Fellowships for Junior Faculty

Program seeks to increase the presence of minority junior faculty and other junior faculty committed to eradicating racial disparities in core fields in the arts and sciences. Foundation does not maintain a website for this program. For info, contact Swarthmore's CFGR office
