Alice Naftaly, PhD

UC Box 
Strain 122-D
Areas I Teach 

Course Information

At Pacific University, all faculty teach a variety of different courses. Typically, we do not use graduate teaching assistants, which means that your classes will be taught by professors and that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the faculty in your discipline.

Below I have listed some of the courses that I teach. We are always developing and trying out new classes, so the list may change now and then.

BIOL 308 | Microbiology


Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, in 2022

PhD in Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, in 2020

BS in Chemistry, BS in Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, VA,  in 2015

Published Works

Alice F Shanfelter, Sophie L Archambeault, Michael A White, Divergent Fine-Scale Recombination Landscapes between a Freshwater and Marine Population of Threespine Stickleback Fish, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2019, Pages 1573- 1585,

Peichel, C.L., Mccann, S.R., Ross, J.A. Naftaly, A.F.S., et al. Assembly of the threespine stickleback Y chromosome reveals convergent signatures of sex chromosome evolution. Genome Biol21, 177 (2020).

Alice S Naftaly, Shana Pau, Michael A White. Long-read RNA sequencing reveals widespread sex-specific alternative splicing in threespine stickleback fish. Genome Research. 2021. 31: 1486-1497. https:/ /doi:10.1101 /gr.274282.120 4.    Alice S Naftaly and Michael A White. Chromatin Accessibility changes during meiosis in threespine stickleback fish. Manuscript in preparation.