From Dr. Coyle | September 2022

Let’s Dwell in Possibility
I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –
Of Chambers as the Cedars –
Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –
Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –

Emily Dickinson was referring to poetry as the place for potential in this beautiful poem, but I too love to “dwell in possibility” when I think of our Pacific home. The beginning of the fall semester has always felt like an opportunity to refresh and embrace what can be as we settle into a new academic year.  

Recently, I led the Cabinet through a quick exercise of stating our overarching intentions each day in our administrative roles. I asked for a description in just five words — ala the Webby Awards recipient speeches. Some of the team immediately brought forward a beautifully crafted, succinct sentence. I chose to share five individual words that describe my personal goals:

Grace. I strive to always come from a place of grace. To me, that means assuming people are coming from a place of good intention. I offer everyone the grace of assuming the best first.  

Humility. I don’t know it all, and even as I learn, I need to learn more. I also don’t have to know it all, and I am lucky enough to be able to tap into the expertise and talents of those around me.

Collaboration. When an idea arises, or I am suddenly faced with a challenge, my initial thoughts are “Who can I collaborate with?”  or “Who else should know, provide input, or share a perspective?”  I enjoy what I do more when I am working alongside others. Plus, why reinvent the wheel when someone else has already paved the way in the next right path? 

Focus. There are so many things we can learn and do together. Let’s do them. But, let’s focus, do things right, and enjoy the moments.  

Possibilities. When I see our Pacific graduates cross the stage — as many did just a couple weeks ago — I am reminded of how possibilities become reality. I believe in all of you, and I know that we have so much possibility in our future at Pacific. I know, because I have seen what we can do together over the past 30 years in all my many moments as a Boxer — as a student, faculty member, leader, and parent. The feats you have each accomplished through the pandemic exemplify your potential.

These are my intentions as we begin a new academic year together — and a new chapter here at Pacific University. I wish you each the best as we begin a new year of learning, teaching and embracing possibilities. I look forward to hearing your intentions as we get to know each other in the coming months.

My best,

Jenny Coyle '90, OD '93, MS '00


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Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022