Physical Therapy Program Presents Its Scholarship at CSM 2021
This year our American Physical Therapy Association - National Conference (Combined Sections Meeting) will be held virtually for the first time during the month of February. Pacific University is well represented at CSM 2021. Core faculty, adjunct faculty, and alumna from the Physical Therapy Program are presenting their scholarship in a variety of formats.
- Criss M, Canbek J, Gallichio J, Chui K. Does a novel measure of total walking speed range predict function, disability, and Life Space? PLATFORM ID #: 30080.
- Corkery M, Hensley CP, Cesario C, Yen SC, Chui K, Courtney C. Use of musculoskeletal clinical prediction rules by student physical therapists in the United States. POSTER ID #: 29523.
- Tudini F, Sbihli A, Chui K. Scoliosis specific exercises, quality of life, and exercise adherence in adults with scoliosis. POSTER ID #: 29848.
- Corvus T. Perspectives on physical activity and identity from black older adults. POSTER ID #: 30140.
- Corvus T. Identity and Function: Correlates between concept of self and gait speed in black older adults. POSTER ID #: 30120.
- Mayer K, Norris T, Kumble S, Johnson A. Acute care physical therapy core outcome measure set: A clinical practice guideline. PRESENTATION ID #: 7532.
- Reisch R, Gardner B. Cognitive components of behavioral therapy for overactive bladder: A systematic review. POSTER ID #: 29915.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021