Watch Your Step - Slips, Trips and Falls

As the weather changes, the environments around you change, too. Keep yourself and those around you safe. Learn how you can prevent slips, trips, and falls - now and throughout the year.

Please be aware of: 

  • Wet Shoes
  • Wet and icy outdoor walking surfaces
  • Wet and slippery indoor surfaces - especially near entryways
  • Hazards in and around walkways and in your environment
  • Changes in elevation or stairs
  • Ensuring your sight is unobstructed
  • How quickly your surroundings can change as the time of day and weather shifts
  • Your schedule - needing to hurry can create an unnecessarily dangerous situation
  • How cords and walkway cleanliness can be managed to support safety
  • The dangers of slips, trips and falls all year long

If you notice a hazard in your work environment, please reach out to Campus Public Safety. If you are working in a Pacific University location without access to Campus Public Safety, inform your supervisor and/or the Facilities Department for next steps.

Stay safe. Print out a slips, trips and falls reminder poster for your work area. English Spanish

To ensure knowledgeable use and proper protection, all employees who wish to use ladders while working must take a ladder safety course through the Facilities Department.

Helpful Slip, Trip and Fall Resources


A Message from the Pacific University Health and Safety Committee

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020