Congratulations to the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Task Force for receiving the President’s Award from the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy.
News, Media and Stories | Physical Therapy
Five physical therapy students from the class of 2022 and Dr. Tzurei Chen will present their scholarship at the American Physical Therapy Association – Oregon 2021 Virtual Conference Saturday, March 13, 2021.
The Physical Therapy Program is sponsoring two students and one recent alumna in the American Physical Therapy Association - Centennial Scholars Program.
Dr. Kimberly Malin recently collaborated with Drs. Kevin Chui and Sheng-Che Yen (Northeastern University) as issue editors and contributing authors for Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation.
This year our American Physical Therapy Association - National Conference (Combined Sections Meeting) will be held virtually for the first time during the month of February. Pacific University is well represented at CSM 2021. Core faculty, adjunct faculty, and alumna from the Physical Therapy Program are presenting their scholarship in a variety of formats.
Rebecca Reisch has been promoted to full professor in the Pacific University School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.
Brian Wilkinson has been promoted to associate professor in the Pacific University School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.
Pacific University students, instructors, and practitioners in healthcare profession programs are invited to take part in Toward a Health Presence — a free eight-week online training designed to support stress reduction and resilience.
Dr. Jenna Bauman '18 completes orthopedic residency.
Doctors Bridges, Hilliard and Chui published a systematic review on the effects of light therapy on osteoarthritis. Their research was published in the January/March 2020 edition of Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation.