News, Media and Stories | Health Professions

Jocelyn Tubbs Reads Her Book "A Sound Adventure" In A Classroom
A passion for ear health, accessibility and diversity have led Jocelyn Tubbs AuD '19 to write a children's book and lead a national movement to increase diversity in the audiology profession.
The School of Dental Hygiene Studies has received $25,000 from Permanente Dental Associates for the Development of a Master of Science Dental Therapy Program at the School of Dental Hygiene Studies.
Pacific School of Pharmacy Student Hoda Veshagh Writing On A White Board
The statewide program allows students in Pacificʻs schools of Pharmacy, Physician Assistant Studies and Occupational Therapy to better prepare for future practice in Oregonʻs rural and underserved communities.
healthcare professionals in a meeting
Interested in advancing your medical career? If you're a physician assistant, or a health professional, educator or administrator, Pacific's online Doctor of Science program is tailored just for you. Apply by Dec. 1 for the Spring 2024 cohort.
Julia Senestaro Practices PA Skills
Julia Senestraro '21 PA '25 wants to ensure that language barriers break down in her work as a physician assistant. Pacific's involvement in the AHEC Scholars program is helping her prepare to meet that goal.
Kirsten Londeree DPT '24 is featured in the APTA Home Health Quarterly Report 'The Impact That Home Health Had on Me.'
Marketa Marvanova receives the Women's Spotlight Award from the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, honoring longtime advocacy for senior care pharmacy.
Applications are still being accepted for the January 2024 cohort in Pacific's Doctor of Science program, which offers two clinical degrees, the Doctor of Healthcare Science and the Doctor of Medical Science.  
CHP students are creating a new virtual workout series called Smiles and Sweat in collaboration with Special Olympics Oregon. Two first-year physical therapy students are producing the classes.
Pacific University School of Pharmacy (SOP) social media platforms are back and better than ever. Check us out!
