Transparent Teaching Faculty Learning Community

Scholars of teaching and learning have recently discovered that helping historically underrepresented students succeed in higher education is not only about developing the students’ skills; the way a class is designed and delivered has been proven to impact and improve student learning.

The “Transparent Teaching” approach has earned particular recognition. Pacific would like to incorporate the Transparent Teaching strategies in its lower-level coursework by empowering faculty leaders to help their peers implement this model, by having expert facilitators lead faculty development workshops and by supporting Pacific faculty in attendance at conferences to prepare them to facilitate peer workshops.

Pacific will offer Faculty Learning Communities to help the faculty who attend the workshops to redesign pedagogy, syllabus, and assignments by incorporating Transparent Teaching practices, which will improve student academic performance and retention.

Faculty who have participated in these Learning Communities have called it “inspiring and useful,” and have said, “The material was illuminating and I look forward to implementing and embedding these techniques in future courses” and “I make changes to every course nearly every time I teach it, and this experience helped point me towards where to focus my 'change' energy.”

Contact Us

Erica Andree | AANAPISI Initiative for Inclusive Student Success

Jeane Canon | Budget Manager