Faculty/Staff Policies and Forms

Roberts Rules Presentation | CAS

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014

Referral Matrix

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Notification

This document informs students that the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials may subject them to criminal and civil penalties and describes the steps that Pacific will take to detect and punish illegal distribution of copyrighted materials. Distribution of this information to students is required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA).

Pacific University Compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Requirements

Friday, Nov. 7, 2014

Academic Misconduct Policies and Procedures | CAS

College of Arts & Sciences Academic Misconduct Policies and Procedures, including Misconduct Report.

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014

Course Level Guidelines | CAS

This document provides a general, college-wide meaning for the definition of course levels.

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

Curriculum Committee Policies 2014 | CAS

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy


The purpose and intent of this policy is to create an environment that is consistent with Pacific University’s commitment to improve the health and wellness of its community by creating a smoke free campus.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

UIS Digital Signage Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements for departments wishing to adopt digital signage technologies. Guidelines are given and standards enforced so that digital signage represents the university well, can be managed on an ongoing basis, and does not violate legal regulations or other university policies.

Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024

UIS Mobile Application Development Policy

This policy concerns the development of mobile applications ("apps") by and for the university.

Monday, Feb. 23, 2015

Roberts Rules Cheat Sheet | CAS

Quick Guide to Robert Rules.

Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015

Death in the Pacific University Family | Communication Procedures

The following procedures offer guidelines for communication in different situations, though every instance will be different.

Mandatory Reporting

Effective January 1, 2013, employees of Oregon public and private higher education institutions are considered by law to be mandatory reporters of child abuse for minors. 

Cell Phone Stipend Agreement | UIS

This is the agreement and form to request a cell phone stipend for an employee.  For more information see the Cell Phone Service Guidelines and Policy.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Code of Conduct, Confidentiality of Records Agreement & Acknowledgment of Pacific University Policies and Procedures

The Code of Conduct outlines principles, policies and some of the laws that govern the activities of the University and to which our employees who represent the University must adhere. The Code of Conduct provides guidance for professional conduct. The success and reputation of the university in fulfilling its mission depends on the ethical behavior, honesty, integrity and good judgment of each member of the community. Those acting on behalf of the University have a general duty to conduct themselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of the University and take no actions incompatible with their obligations to the University.  This Code of Conduct supersedes and replaces all prior Code of Conduct, Confidentiality of Records Agreement & Acknowledgement of Pacific University Policies and Procedures.

Code of Conduct, Confidentiality of Records Agreement & Acknowledgment of Pacific University Policies and Procedures - Spanish

Friday, March 11, 2022

Administrative Structure 2022 | CAS

This document describes the College of Arts & Sciences administrative structure and policies. The college faculty may recommend alterations to its administrative structure by vote of a majority of faculty members eligible to vote at Faculty Meeting. Major changes require approval by the Provost and the President. All votes described below are by the college’s full-time faculty.

Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016

External Consulting Disclosure Form

Please submit this form for each new external consulting arrangement to the college dean or to the Provost for non-college faculty members. Please note that if you have paid external consulting work you also need to fill out the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Pacific University Policy on Policies

POL - U1000.001

This policy establishes a process and guidance for the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University policies and procedures. By implementing this process, the University seeks to enhance operational efficiencies and compliance with applicable laws throughout University operations and activities. Policymaking may be used as a tool for providing guidance and establishing requirements for the areas of the University community covered by the policy or procedure.

Policy template

Procedure template  

PUNID required to review documents.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017

IT Guidelines and Policy for International Travel | UIS

POL - UIS4500

International travel significantly increases the risks of theft or loss of IT equipment and of malware infection that can compromise accounts.  This policy helps to manage these risks and thus manage the risk to university protected data and records. There are also potential legal issues surrounding traveling with encryption and this policy helps manage risk of legal action to the university or its employees.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
