Kenneth W. Bush, PhD
Areas of Interest
Physical Agents
Orthopedic Evaluation
Development of interactive multimedia
PhD, Education, University of Virginia, 1987
MPT, Physical Therapy, Baylor University-U.S. Army, 1975
BS, Zoology, Brigham Young University, 1969
1984-1987 | Selected for full scholarship by U.S. Army: PhD in Sports Medicine
1997 | Faculty Development Summer Grant
Spring 1998 | Faculty sabbatical to develop interactive software and multimedia in the area of physical therapy
June 1998 | Selected as a panel member by the National Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy to evaluate future national licensing examinations
Spring 2001 | Awarded Hewlett Foundation grant for teaching internet technologies to faculty at Pacific University
Spring 2002 | Awarded renewal of Hewlett Foundation grant for teaching internet technologies to faculty at Pacific University
Fall 2002-Spring 2003 | Awarded a third Hewlett Foundation grant for teaching internet technologies to faculty at Pacific University
Fall 2004-Spring 2005 | Awarded Faculty Sabbatical to publish a book on "Diagnostic Imaging for Physical Therapists"
Representative Publications
"Predicting Ankle Sprain" Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy Vol 4, #2,1996 pp 54-58.
"The Statistics of Outcome Measurement", Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America Vol 9 #1, Mar 2000 pp 55-68.
"Validity and Intertester Reliability of Cervical Range of Motion Using Inclinometer Measurements" JMMT Vol 8 #2, 2000 pp 52-61.
"Sharing Expertise in Internet Program Development at Pacific University", Berglund Center for Internet Studies, Vol 1, Oct 2001 pp 1-4.
Interactive Projects
1998 | Modalities: An interactive program teaching clinical decision making.
1999 | Orthopedic Evaluation of the knee: An interactive program which allows students to take a history, observe signs and symptoms, determine a clinical diagnosis and develop a treatment program.
1999 | Special Tests and Mobilizations of the lower extremity: A video library of special tests and mobilizations of the lower extremity.
2000 | Research Methods: An interactive CD-ROM research methods course.
2000 | Intensive Care Unit (ICU) | An interactive program to allow a student to visualize themselves in an ICU unit where they must observe patients and take proper actions.
"Using Interactive Multimedia to teach Clinical Decision Making" National Conference, American Physical Therapy Association, 2000
"Intensive Care Physical Therapy" Interactive Presentation at National Conference, American Physical Therapy Association, 2000, Indianapolis, Ind.
"A Plan For Faculty Development In The Use Of Technology", Computers on Campus, S.C., 2001
"Creating Websites with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint", Presentation to Pacific University Faculty, Spring 2001
"Using Interactive Technology To Teach Clinical Decision Making In The Health Sciences" at Computers On Campus National Conference, November 2001