Strategic Plan

Pacific University engaged in a strategic planning process beginning in spring 2023 to envision the next chapter of our future. On March 9, 2024, the Board of Trustees approved the strategic plan. A strategic planning steering committee, established under the direction of Dr. Lisa Carstens, vice provost for academic affairs and accreditation liaison officer, will lead the university and strategic action planning teams in actualizing our vision for the future of Pacific University.

Strategic Projects

Strategic projects will be identified through three channels: shared governance, unit strategic planning, and an open invitation each semester for project proposals. 

In Fall 2024, the open invitation window for faculty and staff proposals will be Aug. 15 to Sept. 16. Proposals submitted after a given due date will be considered among the next semester's submissions.

Propose a Project

Additional information about the open invitation process is available through the links below:

Strategic Priorities and Objectives

The "Our Pacific" plan includes the following three priorities and 12 objectives:


The Pacific University community will be empowered by a robust and diverse student body, world-class faculty and staff, and effective leadership. Collectively, these individuals will be dedicated to discovery and excellence in teaching, scholarship, and practice.


  • A best university for learning
  • A great place to work
  • An embracing of innovation throughout our programs, services, and operations
  • A commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility


Pacific University will be an environment where all can thrive. Teaching, learning, living, and personal growth will take place in a diverse community, served by the built and natural environment, and sustained by sound operations and policies.


  • Desirable spaces and places that are accessible, safe, sustainable, and operationally sound
  • A thriving culture of collaboration and communication
  • Systems that are operationally efficient and strategically innovative
  • An inclusive environment where diverse students, faculty, and staff thrive


Pacific University will harness resources to achieve aspirational goals that advance fiscal health, academic achievement, scholarship and research, and far-reaching impact. Revenue sources will be diverse, stable, and robust.


  • Marketing and communication of the ways in which our students, alumni, faculty, and staff lead lives of purpose and make meaningful impact on the world
  • A thriving culture of philanthropy and an engaged community of mission champions
  • A robust selection of academic, international, athletic, and cross-cultural programs
  • Increased community engagement, discourse, knowledge-sharing, and partnerships

Contact Us

Contact the Strategic Planning Steering Committee at:

Lisa Carstens | Strategic Planning Steering Committee Chair
Sarah Morse | Strategic Planning Project Manager
Rita Barton | Strategic Planning Executive Assistant