The Staff Senate Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce a 45-minute presentation titled "Getting Things Done in a World That Doesn’t Want You To" by Bassam Tarazi. Bassam's life has had a circuitous life path but it's had one constant, he finishes stuff without all the burnout on the side. He's been a nuclear engineer, given a TEDx Talk, co-founded a film festival, traveled to 75 countries, spun up a multi-city networking movement, spawned an international accelerator for entrepreneurs, and launched an online course on the mindset of finishing. At the heart of it, he's helping people live the lives they say they want by getting them to close the loop on their accountability. He does this by deconstructing our relationship with fears, motivation, and our own narrative.


Imagine you are someone who has moves to make and something to give. You may not be looking to change the world but you’re ready to change your moment. The trouble is that you can’t seem to get to the one thing that’s most important because you’re busy, tired, don’t know where to start or you doubt if you even have it in you. Don't worry, you’re not alone. There is a way through. The problem isn’t you; the problem is the problem. This talk will lay down the foundation to take you from “here’s what I want to do” to “here’s what I did” (and have the mindset to do it all over again).

Walk away knowing how to:

  • Keep overwhelm from turning into paralysis
  • Inject moments of purposeful discomfort to kickstart action
  • Become "distraction-free" when it comes to leaning into a hard task
  • Truly separate intrinsic from extrinsic motivation (and know when one is masking itself as the other)
  • Not let the weight of what they want to do someday keep them from making progress today
  • Create mini finish lines in their work
  • Test their ideas before any big reveal or loss of time
  • Confidently choose between multiple options so that every decision is the "right" decision
  • Confront the fear of failure and the fear of success
  • Know whether to quit or stick halfway through any project


Please register below to attend this workshop on Wednesday, February 26 from 12 - 1 p.m. in the MPR (multi-purpose room) in the University Center/Washburne Hall. Upon registration, a calendar invitation and Zoom link will be provided.


The Staff Senate Professional Development Committee is hosting two other workshops.

Fri., March 14, 12-1 p.m. | Peace of Mind and End of Life Planning Workshop by Heartwood Collective


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Please reach out to the Staff Professional Development Committee via if you have any questions.