Stack of donated canned foods

Give & Go is Pacific University's annual end-of-year donation event. Every May, the McCall Center for Civic Engagement and the Center for a Sustainable Society invite students to donate usable clothing, furniture, toiletries, electronics, books, and more as they are moving out of the residence halls. In 2024, we received more than 10,000 donated items - keeping every single one out of the waste stream.

We return as much as we can to the campus community through the Finders Keepers Free Store, Boxer Food Share, and Fall orientation events. We also partner with nonprofit organizations in Washington and Multnomah counties to distribute donations to the broader community. The week-long event concludes with a 100% Free Community Yard Sale, open to everyone (and where everything must go!)

In 2025 there will be multiple opportunities for folks at Pacific and from surrounding communities to both donate and collect items. Get full details of this event, including what we accept and where you can both donate and "shop" the donations here: Give & Go.

Contact Us

McCall Center for Civic Engagement
110 AuCoin Hall | 503-352-1570 |