How Can I Tell if My Child Has Myopia?

Young girl watching device and rubbing eyeAny parent who learns about the growth of myopia cases, and of their possible effects, has a simple, urgent question: How can I tell if my child has myopia?

The sure way is for you to take your child to an eye care professional, who will test your child’s vision and make recommendations for treatment, if needed.

Before then, you can watch your child’s behavior. Is she moving closer to the television? Is he holding books closer to his face? Is she squinting? Any efforts to alter natural viewing patterns may be indicators of nearsightedness. If so, schedule an eye appointment.

Researchers, like those at the Pacific University College of Optometry, are studying ways to better detect and treat myopia in children. The latest effort: Participation in a national study of an eye drop designed to slow the progression of myopia in children. Pacific is looking for age 3 to 10 years old children who have been diagnosed with myopia to participate in the study. Participants will receive all study-related visits, eye exams, and eye drops for free, along with a yearly allowance for glasses and/or contact lenses. 

Learn more about the CHAMP Study at Pacific University now.

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019