Policies & Forms
These webpages provide a central location for policies that affect the university community. This ensures that faculty, staff, students and visitors to the university have easy access to all university policies and procedures.
Note that colleges or departments may maintain policies and procedures related specifically to their units. Refer to those departments directly to access program-specific policies. Questions or comments may be directed to Senior Executive Assistant to the Provost/Academic Affairs Kim Greenwood: kimg@pacificu.edu.
What is a Policy?
- Connects the university's mission to individual conduct
- Establishes specific requirements for members of the campus community
- Ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- Promotes operational efficiencies and reduces institutional risks
- Pertains to more than one division of the university
Currently Highlighted University Policies & Protocols:
Policy on Policies, this policy establishes a process and guidance for the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University policies and procedures. (Policy template for submitting of new or revised policies.)
Title IX, the federal law that prohibits all sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual violence
Copyright, protecting "original works of authorship," published and unpublished
- Human Resources Policies, including privacy practices, mandatory reporting of abuse, and workplace guidelines
Bias Incident Protocol Flowchart, Bias reports can be made through the "Support at Pacific" Page
Law Enforcement on Campus, guidelines if law enforcement arrives unannounced at your workplace
Freedom of Expression, guidelines for free expression within the Pacific University community
University Faculty and Governance Handbook (updated annually on January 15 and July 1)
A complete index of Pacific University policies also is available.