Looking Ahead at Pacific University

In the two months since the COVID-19 pandemic transformed our daily ways of life, Pacific University has made significant adaptations in the ways we teach, learn, work and live.

I want to thank our students, families, employees, alumni and friends for their patience, perseverance and support in these unprecedented times.

I know that, for many of you, questions about the future of your education loom large. I assure you, Pacific will be here for you, delivering the quality education you have come to expect and helping you move forward in your path to the future.

As we work closely with local and state agencies to create our plans for re-opening our campuses, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Pacific serves nearly 4,000 students across four campuses in Oregon — including in three different counties, which each have their own different re-opening timelines — and the hallmark of a Pacific education is the personal, nurturing attention you receive.

For some of our students, the Pacific experience means lectures, labs, and clinical rotations.

For other students, athletics, clubs and residence life are as much a part of the educational experience as coursework.

As we move forward, we are committed to meeting the needs of all of our students. In these times, that will take creativity and flexibility. Life will look different for some time to come — but we will help you keep moving forward.

All of our plans are being guided by two core principles:

  • Protecting the safety and health of our students, employees and surrounding communities
  • Delivering the Pacific quality education that inspires students who think, care, create, and pursue justice in a global community

You can expect to see more technology-enhanced teaching and reorganized classroom spaces that allow for physical distancing. You can expect changes to traffic flow on campus and the use of common space. You will see more cleaning taking place, and you will get a lot of information about how to protect yourself and others from illness. 

The specifics will look different for each of our programs and locations, but they all will align not only to our core values as an institution but also to the requirements of our governing bodies and public health best practices.

Students and employees, watch for details in messages from your deans later this week.

Again, I appreciate your resilience in the midst of uncertainty and stress. We are all, together, adapting to a new and different experience, and that takes both great patience and great flexibility.

For 171 years, Pacific University has been committed to the education and wellbeing of our students. That has not and will not change. We will come through this together, stronger and prepared for a brighter tomorrow.

Thursday, May 21, 2020