Remember to turn in your Winter Reading Bingo card(s) by February 7th!
News, Media and Stories
We will be publishing weekly E-news articles covering a variety of Risk Management and general safety topics in an effort to continue Pacific University's great safety track record. The campus bulletin boards will also have fresh updates, posters and helpful tips. As we head into the winter weather conditions, let's take a moment to refresh our focus on key safety practices to ensure the safety of all.
How will you know if campuses or closed or if openings are delayed? Learn how Pacific University keeps the community informed in the event of inclement weather. ¿Cómo sabrá si los campus están cerrados o si se retrasa la apertura? Conozca cómo Pacific University mantiene informada a la comunidad en caso de mal tiempo.
Got time to spare? The Staff Senate Staff Engagement (formerly Idea) Committee is excited to host a Staff & Faculty Bowling Night from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, at Rainbow Lanes in Forest Grove. The game, shoes, pizza, and prizes are covered by the Staff Senate. For those who are a little more competitive, a trophy will be awarded to the team with the best score of the night. Advanced registration is required.
Imagine you are ready to change your moment. The trouble is that you can’t seem to get to the one thing that’s most important because you’re busy, tired, don’t know where to start or you doubt if you even have it in you. The problem isn’t you; the problem is the problem. This 45-minute hybrid presentation will lay down the foundation to take you from “here’s what I want to do” to “here’s what I did.” Join Bassam Tarazi's "Getting Things Done in a World That Doesn’t Want You To" talk on Wed., February 26. Advanced registration is recommended.
Year-end tax forms are now available in your Paycom Employee Self Service profile. The 2024 W-2 contains additional tax information for your reference in Box 14. A list of reported items appears below with a brief description.
Whether you have questions, need guidance, or just want to talk, open "office" hours are available Tuesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. each week.
Year-End Tax Forms are now available in your Paycom Employee Self Service Profile. You may see two pages of your W2 for information in Box 14 that did not fit on page one.
The Pacific University community is made up of extraordinary faculty and staff engaged in service, teaching, and student support across the university. We would like to honor as many of our colleagues as possible during the annual University Honors & Awards Ceremony this May. Please nominate your colleagues and community members for their service to Pacific University and our students. Nominations are due February 17.