Rooted in Family

Devin Fortune '25 carries his son, Rocket, through a local grocery store


Like almost 40% of Pacific University undergraduates, Devin Fortune ’25 is an athlete. He’s one of only a few, though, balancing school and sports with his roles as husband and father. The business administration major and varsity basketball player is driven by his commitment to family, faith and the future — and at Pacific, he’s found a community that uplifting his dreams.



Devin Fortune '25 cuddles his sleeping son, Rocket


College is a family affair for Devin, his wife Kristina, and their young son, Rocket. “I wanted to be at a place where it was about more than just myself,” said Devin. “I was coming in with an entire family, and the coaches really helped me feel that. Since coming here, that has grown even more with relationships built with faculty and peers."


Devin Fortune '25 and his wife, Kristina, share a quick kiss
Rocket plays in the rain while Devin Fortune '25 looks on in reflection

Kristin and Rocket watch on TV as Devin Fortune '25 and the Pacific University Boxers play at Whitworth



Devin Fortune '25 writes notes on an index card while studying for an accounting exam

Devin Fortune '25, right, and Zach XXX discuss business law during class at Pacific University

At Pacific, Devin is studying business administration with an emphasis in management. He says he’s gaining skills that will translate into long-term career goals. Just six months after taking his first accounting course, he was able to line up an internship that is poised to turn into a job after graduation.



Image of Devin Fortune '25 superimposed on Boxer Basketball Coach Justin Lunt mapping a play on a whiteboard

Devin Fortune '25, right, and Kemari Cooper '25, left, pray individually before a basketball game
Members of the Boxer men's basketball team, including Devin Fortune '25, center, celebrate after the team beat Whitworth to make the conference playoffs for the first time in 25 years


At the same time, he’s a member of the Boxer men’s basketball team, which made the conference playoffs for the first time in 25 years in 2023-2024. “College basketball has been a dream of mine since I was a child,” he said. “I never take it for granted, because at one point I thought basketball was over. But God opened the door to come back here, so now I feel like I can do nothing but put my all into basketball."



Devin Fortune '25 rests on a couch in his home after a long day


It’s not an easy balance, and Devin’s days come with highs and lows — from celebrating wins on the court to facing a growing pile of homework on a late night. He finds strength in his faith and in the community of support he's found in the classroom, on the court and at home. "It feels like everyone cares about not just me, but my family as well.”


Members of the Boxer men's basketball team play a team-building game with Devin Fortune '25 pictured at center

Devin lines up a shot while bowling with his family at Rainbow Lanes during a student event
Devin gets a haircut from fellow student Jay Fordham '25



Family portrait of Devin Fortune '25, his wife Kristina, and their son Rocket
Devin holding his son, Rocket, in downtown Forest Grove


Ultimately, though, he is driven by the example he wants to set for Rocket. “Being a father, I know my son looks up to me and one day will model manhood after the example I set. So I owe it to him to be the model of a man I want to see him to grow up to be.”

“My children will look up to mine and my wife’s relationship as the example of how a husband and wife act with and toward one another, so we both have to do our best to show true love, kindness, forgiveness, and all the other things that come with marriage, so when they grow up to have spouses of their own they know what it’s supposed to look like.”


Rocket watches as Devin Fortune '25 and his wife, Kristina, share a kiss during family dinner at home

Devin keeps a photo of himself and his wife Kristina on his dashboard
Boxers cheer on the sidelines during a basketball game

Jacob Bolger '24 gets Devin ice after he was injured in a basketball game

Sunday, June 16, 2024