Facilities Management

Contact Us

Facilities Management
2352 Sunset Drive | 503-352-2213 | facilities@pacificu.edu
Fax: 503-352-2974 | Who To Call (pdf)

Open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Tran Library and Trombley Square In Snow

How will you know if campuses or closed or if openings are delayed? Learn how Pacific University keeps the community informed in the event of inclement weather. ¿Cómo sabrá si los campus están cerrados o si se retrasa la apertura? Conozca cómo Pacific University mantiene informada a la comunidad en caso de mal tiempo.

The 2024 Corn Roast & Harvest Festival and Annual Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival will take place on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024.

All of College Way will be closed as well as Lots G & H.

Mandatory annual testing will be performed from June 10 through June 28 on both the Forest Grove and Hillsboro Campuses. It includes sounding the horn/strobes, pull stations, smoke detectors, elevator smoke detectors, sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers.