Christiana Warner ’21: Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching in French

WarnerChristiana Warner ’21 was honored by the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching in French. 

She was a triple major in French, international studies, and politics and government. She graduated in May 2021.

For French, her capstone project was Les Gilets Jaunes: Regards théoriques sur les Mouvements sociaux sans chef, or The Yellow Vests: Theoretical Insights on Social Movements Without a Leader. It focused on topical grassroots economic protests in France. She also focused on the Yellow Vests for her capstone in politics and government.

At Pacific, she also was president of the Improv Club and a member of the university’s Forensics Team. She interned in 2019 with the U.S. State Department at the George Marshall Center at the Hôtel de Talleyrand, the diplomatic events center in Paris.

Friday, May 14, 2021