Fasting is a regular practice that has been highly regarded by most religions for centuries. In addition, people fast for non-religious reasons to achieve their well-being and health-related goals. The season of Ramadan is a month in which Muslims around the world fast from dawn to dusk. Ramadan is a wonderful time to promote cultural awareness about fasting, celebrate the practice of fasting, and also to learn about the science behind fasting. Dinner will be served and this symbolic event is free of charge for all attendees on April 2, 6:45 p.m. -8:45 p.m. on the Hillsboro Campus (more info to follow). All students, faculty, and staff of any religion or faith are welcome to attend this symbolic and cultural awareness event.
In order to accommodate appropriate room size & food amount, we are asking faculty and staff to fill out this faculty & staff survey and current students to fill out this student survey by Friday, March 15.
Hoda Veshagh
PharmD Candidate 2025
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Hoda Veshagh
PharmD Candidate 2025