Make a Gift

Make a Gift Online

The fastest and easiest way to make a gift is online. Visit to make your gift today!

Send a Check by Mail

Make your check payable to Pacific University and mail to the following. Your tax receipt will reflect the current year if received or postmarked by December 31.

Pacific University
UC Box A-162
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116

Give by Phone

To make a gift over the phone using your credit or debit card, call us at 503-352-2211.

Make a Gift in Honor or Memory

Tribute gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one or friend. Please allow four weeks for tribute letters to be sent. 

Make a gift by Wire Transfer

When making a gift of cash by wire transfer, please notify Michelle Lawrence, Gift Records Specialist, at 505-352-1575, or by email. Please reference the donor’s name and the purpose of the gift in the wire transfer instructions.

Account name: Pacific University
Account Number: 153606844451
Routing Number: 123000220
U.S. Bank      
Alexei V. Bibik    
Vice President & Relationship Manager       
111 SW 5th Ave., Suite 400-T        
Portland, OR 97204              

Make a Gift of Securities

Transfer of securities for the benefit of Pacific University should be made through the donor's broker to:
Account Number: B19134000

All Depository Trust Company-eligible free transactions should be directed to:
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
DTC Participation Number: 902 or 0902
Credit Account Number: P72500
FFC Account Number: B19134000

Upon notice of the transfer, JP Morgan Chase will notify Pacific University of the completed transaction. The valuation of the gift will be calculated from the average of the high and low price for the day of the transfer to the university's holding account.

The donor should provide his/her broker with the following delivery instructions for the transaction: name of security to be transferred, number of shares to be transferred, and uses and purposes of the gift.

Prior to the time of the transfer, please call or email Jan Stricklin, Associate Vice President for Principal & Planned Gifts, at 503-352-2890 or Please provide: name of donor(s), number of shares and name of security, intended transfer date and donor's intended use of gift.

Make a Gift with an IRA Charitable Rollover

Consider utilizing your required minimum distribution (RMD) to support Pacific University. If you are 70.5 years or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your IRA to Pacific. Any qualified contribution up to $100,000 counts toward your required minimum distribution. Your spouse may also make a qualified charitable distribution of up to $100,000. To make a gift from your IRA, contact your IRA custodian (Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, Schwab, Vanguard, etc.) and ask the representative to send a check in the amount you desire (up to $100,000) payable to Pacific University.

Please contact Jan Stricklin, senior associate vice president for principal and planned gifts, by email or call 503-352-2890 and provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • The amount of your check
  • The name of the IRA custodian (Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, Schwab, Vanguard, etc.)
  • If the gift is a restricted gift please describe the details

Make a Gift of Mutual Funds

Donors should plan ahead when making a gift using shares of mutual funds. The mutual fund process varies by company and individuals need to obtain the applicable transfer instructions. Mutual fund transfers take longer than a stock transfer and individuals should allow four to six weeks. Individuals wishing to make a year-end gift and want a tax credit in the current year should start the process no later than November of each year.

Please contact your mutual fund company and Jan Stricklin, senior associate vice president for principal and planned gifts, by email, or call 503-352-2890 at least one month in advance to facilitate the process. Please provide Pacific with the name of the mutual fund that you will be transferring shares from, the symbol or CUSIP, the number of shares, the expected dollar amount of the transfer and the intended use of the gift.

Gift Planning Opportunities

For further gift planning opportunities, visit our Planned Giving website or contact Jan Stricklin.


If you have any questions about giving to Pacific University, please email or call 503-352-2211. Please do not include any credit card information in your email or voicemail.