Bower Lab

Fatema Colombowala

2nd Year | PhD Program | Olney, MD

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Faculty Lab/Mentor | Dr. Emily Bower

Research Focus | Attitude Towards Aging, Cognitive Concerns, Cognitive Abilities, Psychological Factors (Depression, Anxiety, Suicidality, etc)

Undergraduate Institution | University of Maryland

Why I chose Pacific | I chose Pacific University for a number of reasons. First, the PhD program offered in-depth clinical training as well as research opportunities geared toward my interests. Additionally, the program's collaborative nature was particularly appealing to me.

Favorite PhD course | Applied Clinical Psych I – This course introduces students to the knowledge base of psychopathology, systems of evidence-based practice, and basic clinical skills. This course provided me with a thorough understanding of the DSM-V Disorders and introduced evidence-based practices for their treatment. The practical approach of the course allowed me to hone basic clinical skills, leaving me well-prepared for my practicum at our training clinic.

Hobbies | I enjoy reading, traveling, hiking, trying new foods, tennis, football, and any sort of quality time with family and friends. 

Taylor Loskot

3rd Year | PhD Program | Orange County, CA

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Faculty Lab/Mentor | Dr. Emily Bower

Research Focus | older adult social and behavioral health; social connectedness in late life 

Undergraduate Institution | University of California, Berkeley  

Why I chose Pacific | I chose Pacific University because there are 3 PhD research labs focused on aging, one of which is led by Dr. Emily Bower who had ongoing social connection intervention research that aligned perfectly with my interests. I also wanted to stay on the West Coast and live somewhere that my dog and I would enjoy. 

Favorite PhD course | Anything taught by adjunct professor Dr. Harold Rosenberg. His teaching style, his anecdotes, his humor, and his love for dogs make him one of the best professors I’ve ever had. He respects his students and creates safe and inviting opportunities for thoughtful discussions. 

Hobbies | cooking, reality TV, gardening, reorganizing kitchen cabinets, and spending time with my dog

Melissa Zammitti

1st Year | PhD Program | Charlotte, NC and Boston MA

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Faculty Mentor | Emily Bower

Research Focus | Topics surrounding older adults, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and risk factors for age-related cognitive impairment. 

Undergraduate Institution | Cornell University

Why I chose Pacific | I felt a sense of belonging on the campus! During my interview, the program members seemed to be supportive and kind. Furthermore, a few students were warm enough to answer my many questions before and after my interview. One student took the time to meet me at a quaint local cafe for a coffee chat about the program. I appreciated how welcoming the students were.

The natural beauty of Oregon was also a factor in my decision to choose Pacific. The rivers and gorges are accessible to unwind after class, lab, and clinic. Finally, my research interests in geriatrics and cognitive impairment aligned well with Dr. Emily Bower's, thus I was excited about engaging in her research lab.  

Favorite PhD Course | Applied Clinical Psychology 

Hobbies | Running, thrifting, playing pickle ball, and exploring nature spots