Student Jury Duty Service Policy


Pacific University recognizes the importance of jury duty as a civic responsibility and aims to support students who have received a juror summons by offering reasonable academic and institutional support, keeping in mind that students may ask the court to defer their service to a later date. Students who are called to serve on a jury should consult with their instructors and academic advisors about the impact of their jury service on their course work and academic progress. Depending on the timing of the jury summons, students may wish to defer service and can consult their college dean for a letter of support if permitted or requested by the court.

In the event a student serves on a jury, the student is responsible for reporting her/his/their service and expected absences to instructors and academic advisor as soon as possible. Read more about faculty and student obligations within the policy document. 

PUNID required to view policy document. 


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Student Preferred Names Policy


This policy is designed to recognize that many students use first names other than their legal names to identify themselves. This policy makes official University use of preferred names for students in certain instances, while maintaining the official, legal name when required. Congruent with Pacific University’s commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive campus environment, this policy aims to support the transgender and gender-neutral student populations, as well as students who prefer to be known by nicknames.

PUN ID required to view policy.

Updated July 2024

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Student Records Retention Policy


The Student Records Retention Policy will do the following: retain student records as required by federal, state, and other regulatory agencies; preserve the records that are vital to the university; and provide needed documentation in the event of litigation.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Styrofoam Purchase Policy


Based on the facts that Styrofoam (or expanded polystyrene) is petroleum based, (which is a nonrenewable resource and a significant emitter of greenhouse gases), non-biodegradable, a top contributor to hazardous waste, and releases toxic chemicals styrene and benzene when exposed to hot, acidic, alcoholic, or oily substances, this policy bans the further purchase of Styrofoam for Pacific University affiliated programs.

Styrofoam foam food service containers shall not be sold, used, provided, or offered for use at any Pacific University authorized concession, university sponsored event, or university program. Pacific will transition to using PCW (post-consumer waste) materials for its single use foodware needs. Pacific is allowed a phase-in period to use up the remaining stock of Styrofoam containers, until July 1, 2021, at which point an alternative material must be used.

PUNID Required to view policy document.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 as Applied To Colleges and Universities

Congress passed Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in 1973. It is a civil rights statute designed to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was modeled after Section 504, was signed into law in July 1990, but most provisions did not take effect until January 26, 1992 and July 26, 1992.

Thefts and Damage

POL - U1023

All thefts or damage to University property and all other thefts, which come to the attention of the University employees, are to be reported promptly to Campus Public Safety.

A form for such reports is available in the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tobacco and Inhalant Delivery Systems Policy


Tobacco & Inhalant Delivery Systems – In compliance with ORS 431A.175 and ORS 339.883, tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems may not be possessed or used by any person under twenty-one (21) years of age on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.

Senate Bill 754, signed by the Governor of Oregon in August, 2017 and in effect as of January 1, 2018, makes it an offense to sell tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems to anyone under 21 years of age. Additionally, the bill changed two Oregon Revised Statutes, thereby requiring Universities like Pacific to prohibit the possession and use of tobacco and inhalant delivery systems on University premises and University-sponsored events by persons under 21 years of age. This new policy is in direct response to these statute requirements.

Monday, Jan. 1, 2018

University Equipment

POL - U1020

Employees who use University equipment are responsible for its care and security, while under their control. Employees are not permitted to use University equipment for personal reasons or take University equipment home unless authorized by their supervisor. Unauthorized use or removal of University property is cause for immediate dismissal.

Friday, June 1, 2018

University Public Exhibits Policy

POL - U1003

To establish a process whereby Pacific University faculty, staff, and students may request, and implement, the temporary installation of a public exhibit in or adjacent to a university building or facility. The primary purpose of exhibits on the Pacific University campuses is to promote interest and use of the university’s cultural resources (Archives, Museum, and Art collections); exhibits may also be used to promote diverse scholarly and cultural perspectives or improve access to collections of resources that connect to community or global issues.

SUP - U1003A External Exhibit Agreement

Thursday, April 13, 2017

University Transfer Policy


For programs that accept transfer credits, Pacific University accepts coursework and credits comparable in nature, content, academic quality, and academic level to the coursework expected of the relevant Pacific degree program, according to evaluation criteria and transfer limits determined by each College, School, and/or Program.

Exceptions to specific transfer practices may be made on a case by case basis, when special circumstances warrant.

PUNID Required to view policy.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

University Travel Policy


In recognition of the important work that Pacific University employees conduct at conferences, presentations, site visits, development trips, and more, the University Travel Policy provides a way to ensure cost effectiveness and accountability while upholding Pacific University’s mission.

This policy has been created to govern spending on travel and expenses related directly to business travel for Pacific University, in compliance with IRS regulations. The University will reimburse individuals for reasonable, necessary, appropriate and approved travel and business expenses incurred in the performance of University business.

All employees must receive approval from their supervisor before traveling to conferences, workshops, and other off-campus events. Documentation showing this approval may differ for some areas and employees should consult their supervisor. If an area does not have a current system in place employees may utilize a Travel Authorization Form (TAF). For travel to other campuses, prior approval is not necessary.

Prior approval must be documented prior to arranging any travel. The University may not reimburse travel plans made without prior approval from the employee’s supervisor. A purchase order is not required for travel expenses.

In adherence with IRS guidelines, when the employee returns from their travel, they are required to submit a Travel Expense Report to the Business Office with the proper documentation and approval paperwork, within 30 days. The 30-day rule is necessary to allow for processing, and given the IRS may now consider later-filed reimbursements as taxable income to the employee and subject to income and withholding taxes, employees are asked to adhere to this deadline. However, fiscal year-end deadlines set by the Business Office may impact this 30-day requirement and forms may be required to be submitted in less than 30 days.

*Note - Policy document was updated on 2/1/19 to clarify procedures related to obtaining travel insurance.

Travel Authorization Form - June 2019

Travel Expense Report & Reconciliation Form - June 2019

Travel Insurance Information, updated 2/1/19  (for questions related to university insurance, contact the executive assistant to the VP of Finance)

PUNet ID required for review of documents.

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018

Use of University Vehicles

POL - U1026

The University maintains a fleet of vehicles for use by employees for official school functions. A mileage rate is charged back to the appropriate budget unit using the vehicles.

A copy of the complete Motor Pool Policy and Procedures can be obtained through the Facilities Office. All requests for vehicle use should be scheduled through the Facilities Office.  No personal use of University vehicles is allowed.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Vending Machine Policy

POL – U1007

The purpose of this policy is to improve the quality, quantity, and affordability of healthy food choices available in vending machines on the Hillsboro and Forest Grove campuses of Pacific University. This policy requires that food and beverages sold in vending machines located in all Pacific University facilities meet specified nutrition standards. By developing policies that support healthy options in vending machines, it makes healthy choices more widely available and has the power to guide behavior.

Thursday, April 10, 2014
