A Veterans Day Message from President Hallick

In honor of Veterans Day, I would like to take a moment to recognize the many veterans among our students, employees and alumni at Pacific University.

We have veteran students studying in each of our five colleges, and our Military Wall of Honor names hundreds of alumni and employees who have served in the U.S. uniformed services.

Yesterday — and today — we pause for the recognition of Veterans Day to acknowledge the service and sacrifice of all who have put on a uniform for our country through the decades both at home and abroad.

We honor the veterans in our communities not just today, but every day, by sharing their stories, celebrating their strength, taking care of them and their families, and creating opportunities for them to learn, grow and continue to contribute to our country even after their service is finished.

I hope you will join me later today as we celebrate the grand opening of our Veterans Resource Center with an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. Though Pacific has long worked to support our veteran students on an individual basis, recent students have helped us to establish a more formal place and program of support.

The Veterans Resource Center is a dedicated space for students who are veterans to get together, to share their experiences, and to find support in navigating the unique challenges and benefit programs that affect their education. We our incredibly thankful for the generosity of an anonymous donor who is helping expand our support systems.

In addition to opening the Veterans Resource Center, we also continue to provide veteran-friendly admissions and employment process and to provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all veterans.

Warmest Regards,

Lesley M. Hallick

Monday, Nov. 12, 2018