Featured News, Media and Stories

Jules Boykoff In Paris
The political and humanitarian toll of the Olympic Movement has been a topic of study for Pacific Universityʻs Jules Boykoff for 15 years. Boykoff and his writing partner, Dave Zirin, will be in Paris reporting on those issues for The Nation magazine.
Jack Driscoll
A member of the MFA in Writing faculty since 2006, Driscoll passed away on June 25 at his home in Mystic, Connecticut at age 78.
Stacks Of Books Written By Pacific MFA In Writing Alumni
The university's low-residency Master of Fine Arts in Writing program looks to its acclaimed faculty and dedicated alumni to guide the program into its next 20 years.
Students Dissecting Cow Eyeballs At Synapse Camp
The one-week program, held at Pacific in conjunction with the Oregon Healthcare Workforce Institute's Area Healthcare Education Center, provides high school juniors and seniors a look at potential careers in healthcare through Pacific's health professions programs.
Kwame Dawes
The longtime faculty member in Pacific's Master of Fine Arts in Writing program receives "one of the most important honors" of his career. He hopes to use the post to further exposure to poetry and create a registry of Jamaican poets.
Alumni Award Winners Eddie Carrillo '15, MA '17; Rhony Bhopla MFA '22 and Jim Fittzgerald '68
Seven outstanding alumni will be presented with Pacific Unversity Alumni Association's Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, David & Sandy Lowe Outstanding Alumni Service Award and Emerging Leader Award this October during Homecoming and Family Weekend.
Twenty members of Pacific's MFA faculty will present a week-long series of summer readings as part of the program's Summer Residency, presenting across the genres of poetry, fiction and nonfiction.
Scott Pike '68 OD '70
The former College of Optometry faculty member is recognized for his longtime service to the optometry profession and his work to provide eyecare to underserved populations.
Alexis Walker '23
The Forest Grove native and 2023 Pacific graduate is learning ropes of the performance business as Portland Opera's Ensemble Leaders Fellow.
Graduates Line Up Prior To May 2023 Commencement At Pacific University
Nearly 800 students will celebrate the latest milestone on their life journeys at Pacific University celebrates its May Commencement with two ceremonies on Saturday, May 18.
