News, Media and Stories | Alumni

Rob DeCou Riding Recumbent Bicycle
Rob DeCou likes pushing his body to the limits and uses his participation in endurance sports to raise money for a number of humanitarian causes.
Satan's Pilgrims Playing The Milky Way
For Pacific students in the 1990s and 2000s, the Milky Way was to place to be in Forest Grove for concerts, movies, outdoor adventures and a good cup of coffee.
A love of running has taken AK Freeland MFA '20 around the world, providing incredible experiences and subject matter for her creative outlets.
Kelsey Graczyk '19 long dreamed of working for the National Park Service. Now she helps tell the story of the parks as a visual communications specialist.
In his role as a biological wildlife technician at Hawai'i's Haleakalā National Park, Josh Higa '19 is helping to preserve populations of two of the islands' iconic and endangered birds.
Members and coaches of the Pacific handball team come together with the College of Optometry and the U.S. Handball Association to develop ASTM eye protection standards for the sport.
Murata is the 2023 NCAA Division III menʻs winner of the annual award named for the late Grand Slam champion, honoring tennis student-athletes nationwide that have exhibited outstanding sportsmanship and leadership.
We invite you to plan your itinerary for Homecoming 2023. Contact a friend today and invite them to join you for a weekend in the Grove. With the exception of reunions, all Homecoming events are open to all alumni of every college, program and campus.  
Roma artist Ceija Stojka (left) and Pacific German professor Lorely French
The National Endowment for the Humanities grant provides funding for professor Lorely French to continue her work transcribing notebooks by Roma artist, activist and Holocaust survivor Ceija Stojka.
Pacific University alumna Oahn Ngo MSAT '22 is an athletic trainer with the NFL's San Francisco 40ers.
Oahn Ngo MSAT '22 is spending her second season with the NFL team.
