News, Media and Stories | Mfa In Writing

Silk Road Review
The editorial team of Silk Road Review: A Literary Crossroads is pleased to announce the official web launch of issue twenty, a celebration of over ten years and three hundred works published from around the world. 
Jan Bottiglieri MFA ’11 was the poetry winner of the Bellevue Literary Review Prizes for her poem, “Particle.”
Debbie Hall MFA ’17 had her poem “Red Dragonfly” featured by online poetry magazine Califragile.
Kathleen Sheeran MFA ’14 edited the newly published anthology, Tricked: An Anthology of Short Fiction, under her pen name, Kate Sheeran Swed.
Elizabeth Levinson MFA ’11 published an article in Green Teacher magazine’s Fall 2018 issue about the impact of narrative structure on the human brain.
Ashley Hermsmeier MFA ’15 was the winner of the Fall 2017 Black River Chapbook Competition for her collection of short stories, "Something Like the End," forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press in February 2019.
Deborah Reed MFA ’12 held a book reading and signing event for her sixth published novel, The Days When Birds Come Back, at the Northwest Authors Presentation in Cannon Beach, Ore.
Dorianne Laux
Only as the Day Is Long (W.W. Norton, 2019) represents a brilliant, daring body of work from one of our boldest and most accomplished contemporary poets, MFA in Writing faculty member Dorianne Laux.
Marvin and Dorothy
The Rumpus recently published an interview by Emily Sernaker MFA '18 with poet and Pacific MFA faculty member, Marvin Bell. She asks Bell about his widely praised poem, "To Dorothy," that he wrote for his wife. These 14 lines have appeared everywhere from wedding ceremonies to anniversary cards to tattoos.
Emily Sernaker MFA '18 talked to Steinem about the #MeToo social media campaign's place in the history of the women's rights movement.
