News, Media and Stories | Career Development

Sonja Feinberg '17, loved earning her BA degree in Sustainable Design and is now looking forward to earning her Master’s in Architecture at Portland State University. In a Q&A, she talks about what she enjoyed while taking both environmental and art classes at Pacific and how she decided on which grad school to attend. 
Jocelyn Carbonara, Class of 1995, has a passion for helping people determine and communicate their driving message in business. Read more about what she does to aid organizations, entrepreneurs, and authors, as well as what it takes to do her job.
Mara Supan, Class of 2007, put in a lot of work to get to where she is now, as an Associate Veterinarian. Read more to learn about all the opportunities she sought out and her experience working with small animals for a career.
Rodolfo Sanchez, Class of 2014, has some extremely valuable advice for those of you considering applying to graduate schools. Learn how he gained the courage to apply to (and be accepted into!) an Ivy League school, when would be the best time for you to go to grad school, and how the schooling differs from undergrad.
Nevin Mays, Class of 2000, describes her responsibilities as a freelance editor specializing in children’s books and how her college education influences and transfers over to what she does now. Read more here:
Steven Wong, Class of 2007, put in ten years of hard work to gain enough knowledge and experience in film before he landed his sweet job at Laika. Read about what he does and the straightforward advice he has for people interested in scoring a career in the film industry.
Forrest Barnes, Class of 2014, works in growing the Palm Harbor Homes business and market share. Read this interview to learn how he overcame certain challenges and keeps on strong despite the hardships.
For Robin Johnson, Class of 2009, knowing what he liked was no problem – but knowing what career he would like was a different question entirely. Find out here what resources he got help from to find a job that was both enjoyable and suitable to his skill set.
Shannon Stahl, Class of 2015, is a technician who repairs photo-masks. Read this interview to learn more about her job and also how priceless a resource professors and Alumni can be when it comes to helping Pacific students land a career in companies as big as Intel.
Scott Holub, class of 1997, works for a big company as a soil scientist, conducting research for the benefit of the trees, with enough time on the side to compete (and win!) in giant vegetable contests. Read more here about what his work involves and what it takes to do his kind of work.
