Additional Polices

Table of Contents

Policies outlined here are intended as guidelines and do not create binding agreements or contractual rights. The institution reserves the right to modify or update these policies at its discretion, without prior notice, in order to best serve the community.

US Department of Education Drug-Free Schools and Community Act Regulations

Under Part 86 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulation (EDGAR) and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act, institutions of higher education (IHEs) receiving federal financial assistance must perform:

  1. The annual distribution in writing to each employee, and to each student who is taking one or more classes for any type of academic credit except for continuing education units, regardless of the length of the student's program of study, of—
  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of any of its activities
  • A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, State, or Federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol
  • A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students
  • A clear statement that the IHE will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, State, and Federal law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct.
  1. A biennial review by the IHE of its program to—
  • Determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed
  • Ensure that the disciplinary sanctions described in paragraph (a)(5) of this section are consistently enforced

In accordance with these laws, this report (pdf) is distributed annually to Pacific University faculty, staff and students in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act of 1989.

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Animal Control Policy

Pacific University campus animal policies shall be in conformity with state, county, and city ordinances and regulations.

In conformity with Oregon Health Regulations relative to food services, no animals are allowed in the University Center. (Exceptions are made for animals who accompany people with certain physical disabilities). Dogs shall be allowed on campus only when on a leash and accompanied by the owner. No dogs, cats, or similar pets are allowed in the residence halls. The President, or his/her designee, shall duly assign administrative responsibility to implement these policies. Violations of this animal policy may result in calling the appropriate authority requesting the removal of the animal.

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Bicycle Parking Policy

Students who choose to ride their bicycles to campus are strongly encouraged to lock them. Bicycles should be parked only in designated places. This does not include any railings, posts, trees or other objects not meant for bicycle parking.

For the convenience of the students and staff at Pacific, bike racks are located outside most buildings on campus.

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Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure

"Blood borne pathogens" refers to disease-causing microorganisms present in blood or other potentially infectious body fluids.

Any "high-risk" exposure, defined as an accidental puncture injury, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin exposure to human blood/body fluid, should be considered infectious regardless of the source, and the following steps should immediately be taken.

  1. Immediately and thoroughly wash the exposed site with soap and water, or the eye/mucous membrane with water or saline.
  2. Report the incident to your supervisor or program preceptor.
  3. Immediately (within 2 hours) be evaluated at Providence St. Vincent's Emergency Room, located at US Hwy 26 and Hwy 217, or at the nearest medical facility if outside of the Portland area, for the risk of exposure to HBV/HIV and preventative therapy initiated as indicated.
  4. If you are unsure whether step 3 pertains to your situation, call the Providence St. Vincent's Emergency Room at 503-216-2361.  Students may also call the Student Health Center at x2269 (503-352-2269 from off-campus).

Contact with the following bodily fluids or materials is not covered by this section: feces, nasal secretions, saliva, sputum/spit, sweat, tears, urine, and vomit. If any of the preceding bodily fluids contain visible blood, follow the high-risk procedures listed above.

Do not attempt to clean up any spills of human blood or other potentially infectious body materials unless you have received the Hepatitis B immunization series and have been trained in Pacific University's "Blood borne Pathogens: Exposure Control Plan" or "Students Infectious Disease Policy: Exposure Control Plan".

Campus Public Safety, (CPS) and Custodial Staff have been immunized and trained for spill cleanups. For assistance dealing with spills of bodily fluids containing visible blood, contact Custodial at 503-352-2213 during business hours, Campus Public Safety 503-352-2230 during off-hours, or the Resident Director if the spill is in an on-campus housing area.

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Copy Policies

Students as well as faculty and staff are subject to federal laws and University policies governing copyrighted materials. Students may freely copy materials for their own personal use. However, if students intend to share copied materials with others (in a class, for instance), they are subject to the "fair use" restrictions of copyright law.

In general, copyright law applies to published written material, sound and video recordings, artistic and musical works, and computer software. If a student is uncertain about what s/he can or cannot copy, a faculty member or a librarian should be consulted. Complete copies of the law and University policies are available in the library.

Because of recent changes in the law, the University must strictly enforce copyright law. Lack of compliance on the part of students will be considered a violation of our standards of academic integrity, and will be responded to accordingly.

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Emergency Procedures

In an any on-campus emergency situation, Campus Public Safety should be notified. If there is a clear need for immediate outside police, fire, or medical assistance, students should call '911'. If  911 must be contacted, Campus Public Safety should be called directly afterward to inform them that emergency personnel have been called and are enroute.


Though the likelihood of a large earthquake occurring in the Forest Grove area is not high, the possibility does exist, and it is therefore important to know and understand the safety measures that should be taken.

If you are indoors:

  1. Take cover under a heavy piece of furniture or against an inside wall, and hold on
  2. Avoid areas where shattered glass may be present (near windows, mirrors, pictures etc) or where heavy objects may fall on you
  3. Stay inside

If you are outdoors:

  1. Move into the open— away from buildings, street lights, and utility wires
  2. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops

Expect aftershocks. Although aftershocks can be smaller than the initial quake, they can cause additional damage and bring down weakened structures. Aftershocks can occur in the first hours, days, weeks or even months after the initial quake.


Be sure you know the location of fire extinguishers, exits and pull stations. If a building fire alarm sounds (or if told to do so by Campus Public Safety or other emergency personnel) evacuate the building immediately. Do not bet your life on the alarm being a false one.

If you discover a fire and/or smoke:

  1. Isolate the fire by closing all doors on your way out— do not lock the doors
  2. Do not attempt to fight a fire alone— only attempt extinguishing a fire if it is minor one that can quickly and easily be put out with a portable fire extinguisher
  3. Report the fire and/or smoke by activating the nearest fire alarm
  4. Evacuate to a safe place area away from the building
  5. Do not take elevators when evacuating—use the stairs
  6. Do not stop for personal belongings or records
  7. Do not stand in smoke (it is the greatest danger during a fire): instead, drop to your knees and crawl to the nearest exit. Cover your mouth with a cloth, if possible, to avoid inhaling smoke.
  8. Assist disabled persons

If you become trapped:

  1. If a window is available, open it and place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside the window as a marker for emergency personnel
  2. Stay near the floor where there is the least smoke
  3. Cover your mouth with clothing to avoid inhaling smoke
  4. Do not open a door if smoke is pouring in around the bottom or if it feels hot
  5. Shout to alert emergency personnel of your location

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Students interested in fundraising outside the campus must confer with the staff in University Advancement before doing so. Additionally, student organizations will be asked to complete the Student Fundraising Form before proceeding with their fundraising efforts.

University Advancement is readily available to assist any individual or group and to provide guidelines on a successful fundraising operation. After some discussion of the goals of the fundraising they can provide information on sources of funds, the best time of year to do fundraising, whether a license might be needed, and other information beneficial to the student fundraiser.

For more information, please see the Student Organization Fundraising Policy.

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Logo and Seal Policy

Students must work with authorized University personnel if they are interested in using the University's graphic identities in any print or media, whether electronic or not. The University's policies regarding the use of the logo are maintained by the Office of Marketing & Communications. The seal is used only by the Office of the President.

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Network and Internet Access Policy

Enrollment at the University entitles all students to access services either in the residence halls or off-campus.

Access to the campus communications environment is limited to members of the University community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the University). Because the resources available affect access, students whose academic program or coursework requires access and students with a demonstrated academic need will receive first priority.

It is critical that all users help to maintain the integrity of the system by being responsible in their own use and considerate of the needs of others. Common sense, common courtesy, and seeking appropriate assistance when necessary should guide your use of information resources. More specific guidelines are set out in the University's Network Access and Acceptable Use Policy. Copies are available online and from the Technology Information Center in Marsh Hall, lower level.

Because most software is protected by copyright law and by licensing agreements, making or using unauthorized copies or tampering with software is illegal and the University considers it to be theft, and thus a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, as well as a violation of copyright law. This applies to both the software available in computing labs and classrooms and software available for purchase. Back-up copies of purchased software may be made, but the original disk and documentation must be kept. The University has the right to audit computers periodically that are used in connection with University activities to ensure that unauthorized copies of software are not being created or accessed.

The Student Code of Conduct applies to the use of computers, and violations will be responded to through appropriate judicial processes.

For Example:

  • If the purpose of the electronic communication is educational, the same standards of academic freedom and freedom of expression apply. However, any communication that is abusive, harassing, or threatening is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The University will take all reasonable steps to ensure privacy but cannot guarantee it. Any member of the University community who violates another's right to privacy (for example, by reading, copying, or modifying private communication) will be subject to sanction.
  • The internet and email may not be used for illegal purposes, for purposes that violate University policy, to conduct business or to advertise/solicit or to send nuisance, junk or chain letters. If a student becomes aware of illegal or unauthorized use, it should be reported immediately (in confidence).
  • Students may not give their passwords to another person, nor use another person's user ID and/or password. Students who do so will be denied further access. If a student needs someone else to have access to an individual¹s files, UIS will make the arrangements. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the system and to protect each individual's privacy.

The above are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable use of Pacific's Computing and Information Services and are not intended to be exhaustive.

Students who have questions regarding acceptable use policies or procedures should contact the TIC at 503-352-1500 or email An appointment will be made to meet with the Director of University Information Services.

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Vehicle and Parking Policy

The purpose of the Vehicle and Parking Policy is to provide the University community with guidance on established parking areas, permits, fines, appeals, and policies which affect the use of vehicles on and around the campus.

General Information

Pacific University establishes rules and regulations governing the use of transportation on the campus and its properties. These regulations do not conflict with nor supersede the Traffic Regulations of the State of Oregon and the City of Forest Grove. The Campus Public Safety Department (CPS) is responsible for parking and traffic enforcement. The Parking Appeals and Policy Advisory Committee is responsible for establishing procedures, violations, fees and fines, reviewing appeals, and making recommendations on policy and future parking recommendations to the Master Planning Committee and the President.

General Regulations

  1. All vehicles will display one of these permits: validated student (red or purple), staff/faculty (green), visitor, patient, or overnight.
  2. The speed limit on campus property is five miles per hour for all vehicles.
  3. Vehicles are prohibited from sidewalks, lawns, lanes, and other areas not designated for driving or parking. Exceptions are maintenance, contractors, and emergency response vehicles.
  4. All posted signs and traffic control devices must be obeyed.
  5. All vehicular traffic will yield to pedestrians; they have the right of way.
  6. No person shall operate a vehicle on campus in a careless or reckless manner nor while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Parking Regulations

  • All vehicles parked on Pacific University property must display a Pacific University parking permit.
  • All vehicles shall be parked within the boundaries of a marked stall.
  • All students must have a validated permit. Validation occurs during permit issuance every September.
  • Patient, visitor, and Staff parking spaces are reserved from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, (except for holidays).
  • No overnight parking midnight to 6 a.m. in lots A, B, C, E (staff), G, H, I (except western row), and O. (See campus map (pdf) for lot locations).
  • No overnight parking 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. in lots D and F. (See campus map (pdf) for lot locations).
  • Responsibility for locating an appropriate designated parking area rests with the vehicle operator.
  • The lack of a readily available designated parking space is not an excuse for a violation of any parking regulation.
  • Any vehicle found to be in violation will be issued a parking citation (or warning).
  • Once the citation is placed on the windshield of the vehicle, Pacific University does not assume any responsibility if the owner/operator of the vehicle does not receive the citation.
  • Pacific University does not assume any responsibility for any vehicle or its contents while parked on University property.
  • Vehicles that are not moved from a parking stall for 14 days are considered abandoned.
  • Inoperable vehicles need to be restored to running condition in a timely manner.
  • Major vehicle repairs are not allowed on University property.

Habitual Parking Violator

A habitual parking violator is an owner/operator of a vehicle that receives five or more unpaid/non-appealed tickets. Habitual parking violators will receive a letter from the Dean of Students Office with the number of violations they have and the total amount of fines they have. If there are more than six tickets total to the same violator, notification will be forwarded to the Dean of Students. The goal of parking enforcement is to have the limited number of spaces on campus used properly.

Immobilizing motor vehicles:

CPS will immobilize vehicles for the following reasons:

  1. Permitted vehicle with six or more unpaid or unappealed citations per semester.
  2. Non- permitted vehicle parked in one of the Campus lots over 24 hours or with two or more citations pending.

Vehicles will remained immobilized until the Dean of Students authorizes removal of the device. In an emergency, the CPS Supervisor may grant authorization for removal.

Parking Permits

All vehicles used by faculty, staff, and students will be registered in order to use university parking lots. Information about obtaining a parking permit is available here.

Permits are to be displayed on the vehicle rear view mirror, right front (passenger side) window, or left rear (drivers side) window. All permits must be clearly visible and readable with the number of the permit facing out. Permits for vehicles other than cars and trucks must be appropriately displayed on the frame or rear bumper.

Special Parking Needs

  1. Drivers using parking designated for disabled persons must display a valid state issued placard, license plate, or other form of identification recognized by state or national authority.
  2. Patient parking is for patients of designated clinics (not students, staff, or faculty unless they are a patient with a patient permit displayed). Permits may be obtained from the clinic, PIC, or a CPS Officer.
  3. Visitor parking is for visitors (not students, staff, or faculty) who come to the campus for a short duration during daytime hours (1 day). Long-term visitor parking needs (overnight or consecutive days on campus) should be coordinated with the PIC or a CPS Officer.
  4. Long term and overnight visitor parking permits may be obtained from the PIC or a CPS Officer. Departments may make arrangements with the PIC or CPS to have these permits available in their office for distribution to their visitors when they arrive.
  5. Special needs for building access, events, dignitaries, groups, buses, or other activities should be coordinated with the CPS Office prior to the activity.

Motorist Assistance

  • Campus Public Safety Officers are available 24 hours per day at 503-352-2230 (extension 2230 from on-campus phones). A waiver of liability must be signed before CPS can assist the driver. CPS can only help if the vehicle is on campus or on the street adjacent to the campus.
  • A secondary battery system or jumper cables are available for assisting motorists with dead batteries. From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. please call 503-352-2213 (Facilities) to have the vehicle jumped. If there is no answer or it is after hours please call CPS at 503-352-2230. Pacific University does not have the ability to provide for vehicle maintenance needs.
  • CPS can attempt to open vehicles with keys locked inside upon request. Be prepared to show your driver's license and vehicle registration to the CPS Officer upon their request. This is to ensure that the vehicle the officer is opening belongs to the requester. CPS does not have the ability to open vehicles that have power locks or power windows. CPS does not make recommendations for outside vendors but can provide access to a telephone and directory.
  • Vehicle accidents occurring on campus should be reported to CPS immediately. CPS will provide information and assistance to the motorists involved.
  • Vehicle accidents occurring on the surrounding streets should be reported to the Forest Grove Police Department at 503-359-3260.
  • All persons operating a Pacific University vehicle must complete the Drivers Training Course in accordance with University policy.
  • Any accident involving Pacific University vehicles must be immediately reported in accordance with instructions issued at the time the vehicle is accepted.

Non-Motorized Transportation

Non-motorized transportation includes bicycles, skateboards, roller blades/skates, etc. If motors are attached (i.e. motorcycles, scooters, powered bicycles, etc.) then they are considered vehicles and subject to the vehicular rules stated above.

Non-motorized transportation may be used on campus as a point-to-point means of conveyance. The use of these items to engage in extreme activities, stunts, and other related activities is prohibited. Non-motorized transportation is prohibited from use inside buildings. Bicycles are to be locked on a bicycle rack, not on handrails or inside academic buildings. On sidewalks and other areas of pedestrian traffic, pedestrians have the right of way.

Pacific University Parking Lots

  • A-Lot (Carnegie/Brown lot) ­ Faculty/Staff permit parking only, no parking midnight to 6 a.m.
  • B-Lot (Warner Hall lot) ­ Faculty/Staff permit parking only, no parking midnight to 6 a.m.
  • C-Lot (Taylor-Meade/Jefferson Hall lot) ­ Open permit parking (except for designated Faculty/Staff, visitor, and patient parking), no parking midnight to 6 a.m.
  • D-Lot (Strain Science Center/Physical Therapy) ­ Open permit parking (except fordesignated reserved, visitor, and patient parking), no parking 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.
  • E-Lot (Tom Reynolds Soccer Field) ­ Open permit and overnight parking in center and east sections, faculty/Staff permit parking only in west section (no parking midnight to 6am)
  • F-Lot (Clark Hall/McCormick Hall lot) ­ Open permit parking (except for designated Reserved parking), no parking 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.
  • G-Lot (McCormick Hall/Walter Hall lot) ­ Visitor parking only (no student, staff or faculty), no parking midnight to 6 a.m.
  • H-Lot (Service Center lot) ­ Reserved/Faculty/Staff permit parking, no parking midnight to 6 a.m.
  • I-Lot (Knight Hall lot) ­ Open permit parking (except for designated FacultyStaff parking), no parking midnight to 6 a.m, overnight parking permitted in west row only.
  • J-Lot (Vandervelden Court southwest lot) ­ Open permit parking, overnight parking permitted
  • K-Lot (Vandervelden Court northwest lot) ­ Open permit parking, overnight parking permitted
  • L-Lot (Stoller Center southwest lot) ­ Open permit parking (except for designated Faculty/Staff parking), overnight parking permitted
  • M-Lot (Vandervelden Court east lot) ­ Open permit parking, overnight parking permitted
  • N-Lot (Stoller Center east lot) ­ Special event parking, open permit parking, no parking midnight to 6am
  • O-Lot (Stoller Center north lot) ­ Special event parking, open permit parking, no parking midnight to 6am Motor Pool (Cedar Street Facilities) ­ Faculty/Staff permit parking, parking while using motor pool vehicle only

Violations, Fines and Penalties

Group A (minor violations) $10

  • Permit improperly displayed or not displayed
  • Invalid Permit
  • Incorrect Permit for Lot or Area
  • Permit displayed is altered/stolen (Valid or invalid)
  • Overtime Parking (Loading, short term)
  • Improper Parking (out of stall)
  • Overnight Parking in wrong lot
  • Parking in an area not designated for parking

Group B (major violations) $20

  • Improper use of visitor or patient parking
  • Parking at a yellow curb or in a No Parking Area
  • Blocking a walkway
  • Blocking an entrance or exit
  • Parking on landscape or improved area

Group C (serious violations) $50

  • Parking in a fire lane or red curb
  • Parking in a DMV handicapped zone without displaying a DMV issued permit
  • Habitual Offender
  • Reckless or Careless Driving

Group D-Other Violations $10-$50

  • Generally $10 fine
  • Parking or driving in the center of Vandervelden Court is a $50 fine
  • Prohibited use of non-motorized vehicles

Appeals Process

Forms for appealing parking citations may be obtained at the Pacific Information Center (PIC). All appeals must be returned to the Student Life Office or UC Box 666 within 14 calendar days of receipt of the citation to be appealed. One appeal form must accompany each citation. Failure to appeal within the prescribed time results in the waiver of the right to appeal. The postmark date will serve as the date submitted for those appeals sent via the federal mail. Students' parking appeals will be decided by the Peer Review Board. Faculty and staff members' appeals will be decided by The Parking Appeals and Policy Advisory Committee will review all appeals at the next scheduled committee meeting. Copies of their decisions will be forwarded to the individual concerned. Fines and fees levied against individuals are to be paid directly to the Business Office. Fees and fines not paid within 14 calendar days of the Committee¹s decision will be charged to individual accounts. Persons with unpaid accounts may not be able to receive transcripts or be allowed to register for the next semester until these bills have been satisfied. Appeals received May through August will be heard during the September meeting.

Members of the Parking Appeals and Policy Advisory Committee:

  • Chair -- Dean of Students or designee
  • Managers Council Representative
  • Staff Steering Committee Representative
  • PUCC Representative -- or student designee
  • PPC Representative -- or student designee
  • Advisory Member (on Appeals only) Manager Campus Public Safety

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Smoking Policy

As an institution, Pacific University is committed not only to teaching and learning, but also to promoting a healthy environment for the entire community. Creating and maintaining a smoke-free environment is everyone's responsibility.

Smoking of any kind, including but not limited to tobacco products, e-cigarettes and other devices, is prohibited on all Pacific University campuses as well as university-owned or controlled property.

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All policies subject to change.