French Activities on Campus

The French language assistant, and the French Club host many activities for the French program at Pacific. Here is an overview of some of these events. If you would like to become a member of the French Club (it's free!), please contact Prof. Jeanne-Sarah de Larquier at




La Table Française

(French Conversation Hour)

One-hour/week, recommended for 102 and 200 level


One hour/week, recommended for 200 and 300 level.

Relaxed discussions in French at all levels with our French language assistant.

Note: hours vary weekly to accommodate as many students as possible.

Le Club de Français

(The French Club)

Dates and times vary.

Expect several French-Club sponsored events each month.

The French Club typically covers participants' costs in full.

Everyone is welcome and English may be spoken. The French Club meets mostly to have fun, meet new people, and explore French and Francophone culture through a variety of proposed events. 

Les Soirées Françaises

(French nights)

A different night each week from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Led by the French language teaching assistant, generally in the CLIC (Au Coin Hall).


Similar to French Club meetings but with a focus on speaking French

Activities include French games (such as Loup Garou, Ni oui ni non, le jeu des 7 familles, and many others), French and Francophone movies, cooking, eating, dancing, cultural discussions, etc. 

Note: All events are advertised weekly on French Moodle courses, Instagram #PacuFrench, and the French Club listserv