Healthy Meeting Policy

POL – U1006

The purpose of this policy is to provide an environment conducive to and supportive of health and well being for all Pacific University Faculty, Staff, Students, and guests.  The strong relationship between diet and health and the increasing rates of weight problems make supporting healthy food choices at Pacific part of our commitment to health. Pacific University is committed to providing an environment that encourages healthy lifestyles among its employees, students, and partners.  As meetings are a central aspect of the workplace, the University asks individuals who organize meetings and events to include healthy food and beverage options when refreshments are served, and dedicated opportunities for physical activity. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Identification Cards

POL - U1025

Identification (ID) cards (Boxer Cards) are issued to Pacific University employees. An ID card may be required for admission to or participation in University programs.

The University ID card also serves as a library card. ID cards are issued by Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Identity Theft Prevention Policy and Red Flag Guidelines


Pacific University developed this Identity Theft Prevention Policy pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule, which implements Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction (FACT) Act of 2003. The purpose is to establish an Identity Theft Prevention Policy designed to detect, prevent and mitigate identity theft in connection with the opening of a covered account or an existing covered account and to provide for continued administration of the policy.

This protection policy applies to students, employees, board members, contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and other workers at the University, service providers, including all personnel affiliated with third parties.

Pacific University shall include policies and procedures to:

  1. Identify relevant red flags to ensure the detection of possible risk of identity theft to customers and incorporate those red flags into the policy;
  2. Detect red flags that have been incorporated into the policy;
  3. Respond appropriately to any red flags that are detected to prevent and mitigate identity theft; and
  4. Ensure the policy is updated periodically to reflect changes in risks to customers and to the safety and soundness of the creditor from identity theft

Administration of the policy is with the Vice President of Finance and Administration in development, implementation and oversight. This includes ongoing staff training and oversight of service provider arrangements to ensure compliance.

PUNID required to see full policy document. 

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020

Immigration Certification I-9

POL - U1015

All employees hired by the University must present documentation establishing their identity and employment authorization in accordance with the immigration laws of the United States prior to hire and upon request of the University at any time after hire.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Individual Development Plan Policy


Grounded in the core theme of educating for student success, Individual Development Plans intend to guide graduate and postdoctoral students in their professional development and career planning.

Graduate students and post-doctoral researchers supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are required to develop Individual Development Plans (IDP). Required progress reports submitted to the NIH must include a copy of the University’s IDP policy, a description of whether the university uses IDPs, and how IDPs are used to assist in the career development of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers supported by NIH.  

Pacific University encourages graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to create and use IDPs to formulate academic and career goals and facilitate conversations with faculty advisors and mentors. All graduate students and postdoctoral researchers supported by NIH funding are required to have an IDP. The Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects offers graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty advisors and mentors information on IDP resources, including templates and online resources.

PUNet ID required to review policy.

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018

Keys Policy

POL - U1022

The appropriate administrative head may authorize a key or keys to an employee for her/his office, classroom and building. The administrative head authorizing the keys is also responsible to make sure the keys are returned upon termination of the employee.

Key authorization forms are available from Facilities Management and on their website. The employee assumes responsibility for the security of the various keys he/she will need. Each key is for personal use in discharge of assigned duties. Under no circumstances will an individual have keys duplicated or permit them to be duplicated unless written permission has been granted by the Facilities Department.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Library Privacy Policy


Pacific University Libraries are committed to respecting users’ privacy and acknowledge the role that privacy plays in fulfilling the Libraries’ mission to advance critical inquiry, collaborative learning, and knowledge creation. This policy’s purpose is to inform users about: 

  • How the Libraries handle personally identifiable information that may be collected
  • Actions the Libraries take in order to protect users’ privacy
  • Users’ rights while engaging with Libraries’ resources

This policy only applies to the Libraries’ website and any other web service hosted on behalf of the Libraries and does not cover any external service or site, even if it is linked from the Libraries’ resources.

Monday, Oct. 19, 2020

Non-Retaliation/Non-Retribution Policy


Pacific University promotes the highest standard of ethical and legal conduct. The Code of Conduct, policy and procedures for all workforce members guide this effort. Pacific University promotes open dialogue between members of the Pacific University community, and encourages workforce members to report problems, concerns, opinions without fear of retaliation or retribution.

The University will use best efforts to protect workforce members against retaliation or retribution from reporting actual or potential wrongdoing, including actual or potential violation of law, regulation, policy or procedure.

All workforce members are responsible for promptly reporting actual or potential wrongdoing, including an actual or potential violation of law, regulation, policy or procedure. Workforce members who report concerns in good faith will not be subjected to retaliation, retribution or harassment.

Pacific University maintains an “open door policy” to allow individuals to report problems and concerns. Reports can be submitted in person, by mail, by phone or email to any person in leadership within Pacific University, including:

General Counsel, Associate VP of HR, Legal and Compliance, or
Vice President for Finance and Administration, or
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020

Office Space and Furnishings

POL - U1028

The assigning of office space and furnishings for academic personnel is a function of the dean of the appropriate college or school in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Office space and furnishings for non-academic administrators and staff are assigned by the appropriate department head in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and administration.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Pacific University Policy on Policies

POL - U1000.001

This policy establishes a process and guidance for the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University policies and procedures. By implementing this process, the University seeks to enhance operational efficiencies and compliance with applicable laws throughout University operations and activities. Policymaking may be used as a tool for providing guidance and establishing requirements for the areas of the University community covered by the policy or procedure.

Policy template

Procedure template  

PUNID required to review documents.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017

Parking Policy

POL U-1027

Faculty, staff and students are expected to comply with campus parking rules and regulations. Parking permits and a copy of current parking regulations may be obtained from the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Parking Assessment Memo

Friday, June 1, 2018

Personnel Records

POL - U1030

Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all current and past employees to document benefits and employment related decisions and comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements.


Supervisors are discouraged from keeping informal files on employees. But supervisors may temporarily maintain records concerning ongoing employee performance. These records will be considered personnel records if they fall within the definition of “personnel records” as defined by ORS 652.750. Supervisors must follow all personnel record retention and confidentiality requirements and must transmit any personnel records to Human Resources in a timely manner and upon request by Human Resources.


Employees have a right to access their personnel records. An employee who wishes to review their personnel file should contact Human Resources to schedule a mutually convenient time when the file can be reviewed at the University. The personnel file cannot be removed from the Human Resources Department. In addition to reviewing their personnel records at the University or in lieu of that, employees may request hard or electronic copies of their personnel records. In accordance with Oregon law, a reasonable charge will be made for hard copies requested by employees.


To ensure the confidentiality of personnel information, access to an employee’s personnel file is limited to the employee, an employee’s authorized representative, and authorized administrators and supervisors.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Policy Against Sex-Based Discrimination and Harassment


Members of Pacific University (the “University”) community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from sexual harassment, violence, and discrimination. All members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The policies and procedures for addressing sex discrimination, and sex based harassment have been developed to reaffirm this expectation and to provide recourse for those individuals whose rights have been violated. 

The university is committed to providing a learning environment that affirms the dignity and inherent worth of every member of the university community. The Student Code of Conduct is an overarching set of regulations and procedures designed to protect and foster such a learning environment and includes within it this Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy. Human Resources policies, including the University Faculty and Governance Handbook and Staff Handbook, also include prohibitions on sexual misconduct and discrimination on the basis of sex and other protected classifications.

The university maintains a policy of zero tolerance for sexual misconduct regardless of the sexual orientation or gender identity of individuals. Zero tolerance means the University will take steps to address all unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature and will impose sanctions on anyone who violates this policy. Resolution by the university is intended to help bring an end to harassing or discriminatory conduct, prevent recurrence, and address the effects on the survivor and the community. This policy serves (1) as a measure to evaluate if behaviors trespassed on community values and (2) as a guide for students, employees, and third parties about the University’s expectations for responsible and respectful sexual communication and interaction.

Other related policies:

Pregnancy and Related Medical Conditions Policy

Title IX

For reporting and support options, please visit our Title IX webpages.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Political Campaign Activity Policy

POL - U1008

Pacific University supports the principles of Academic Freedom and encourages free and open discussion of ideas and opinions. As part of its dedication to active citizenship, the university encourages students, faculty, and staff to exercise their civic rights to participate as individuals in the political process.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Remote Work Policy


This policy establishes a structure for employees to work fully remote, or in a hybrid model based upon certain job functions and responsibilities.  Some job functions and responsibilities restrict or limit employee ability to work remotely. This policy will provide transparency and documentation for remote work for compliance, liability, and prioritize fairness, equity and employee engagement.

This policy, in conjunction with the Remote Work Plan and Agreement Form, ensures that both the supervisor and employee have a clear, shared understanding of the employee’s remote work arrangement.  The remote work agreement is unique based upon each situation and can be adapted to meet individual requirements and the needs of the position, supervisor, team and university.  The expectations for remote work is that the employee will effectively accomplish their regular job duties regardless of work location.

Please see the policy for additional requirements and expectations. 

Remote Work Plan and Agreement Form - February 2022

Monday, Feb. 14, 2022

Responsibility for Personal Property

POL - U1019

Pacific University is not responsible for damage or loss of personal property on or off campus whether or not it is used on behalf of the University.

Employees are advised to take precautions when using personal items on campus and are encouraged to guard against theft or damage by keeping personal property secure at all times.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Service and Companion Animal Policy

POL - U1002

To establish guidance regarding students or visitors bringing service or companion animals on University property and, if applicable, the process for appealing a decision relating to a qualifying animal.  This policy does not apply to animals utilized for research or other scholarly activities. 

Friday, Jan. 5, 2018

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy


The purpose and intent of this policy is to create an environment that is consistent with Pacific University’s commitment to improve the health and wellness of its community by creating a smoke free campus.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Solicitation and Distribution

POL - U1016

The University prohibits solicitation of its personnel or distribution of literature by outsiders at any time. Faculty and staff members are not permitted to solicit University Personnel or distribute unauthorized literature during working time or within the working areas of the University. No employee may directly or indirectly sell any item or post any literature within the University or on University property without proper authorization.

Questions about this policy should be addressed to the Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Staff Handbook


These policy handbooks supersede all previous publications issued by the University; as well as any express or implied representations previously made by persons employed by the University. These policies and procedures are necessarily general and may change as the University changes.

PUN ID required to view document.

Friday, May 30, 2014
