News, Media and Stories | Alumni

Scholarship fund remembers the giving nature of a Pacific University alumnus.
Dr. Gene McIntyre '60 pictured smiling
Today he might be called "at risk," uninterested in school and unsure what to do with his young life. But Gene McIntyre '60, found unexpected encouragement and used it to fuel a long and successful career in education.
Students sporting the Boxer Spirit with red & black body paint.
What do you remember about your time at Pacific University? It could be a professor or staff member who taught you the one thing that opened a door you’d never heard of before. Or, maybe it’s an event that inspired, amused or amazed you.
Award honors an outstanding optometry alumnus or alumna for care in serving both patients and communities.
Endowment will fund the Kamelia Massih Prize for a Distinguished Optometrist.
