News, Media and Stories | Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene Students Practicing In Hillsboro Clinic
A generous donation by DCI International, a leading dental components and equipment manufacturer, is enhancing the educational experience for Pacific's dental hygiene students and patients alike.
Kristen Thomas is an alum of Pacific University’s dental hygiene program, graduating in 2010. She then worked as a clinical restorative dental hygienist for several years in a managed care organization before pursuing a career in education.
Holly Erenfield graduated from Oregon Health and Sciences University in 2002 and has 17 years of clinical experience as a dental hygienist. She completed her master’s degree in dental hygiene from the Ohio State University, focusing on education and leadership. 
Harbison has been practicing dental hygiene since 2000. In 2016, she returned to school to advance her dental hygiene knowledge and career, earning her master’s at Idaho State University.
Wilber Ramirez-Rodriguez '10 Outside Of The Smile Care Van
A passion for dental care and serving his community has led School of Dental Hygiene Studies professor Wilber Ramirez-Rodriguez '10 to national service appointments with both the American Dental Therapy Association and the Hispanic Dental Association.
The School of Dental Hygiene Studies has received $25,000 from Permanente Dental Associates for the Development of a Master of Science Dental Therapy Program at the School of Dental Hygiene Studies.
Graduates sit under the oaks on the Forest Grove Campus during August Commencement 2023.
Students earned bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in audiology, dental hygiene, psychology, health sciences, occupational therapy, physician assistant studies, and education and leadership.
Amy Coplen
Professor Amy Coplen, the director of Pacific University’s School of Dental Hygiene Studies, was named the University of Michigan’s 2022 Dental Hygiene Alumna of the Year Award in recognition of her work to persuade the Oregon Legislature to allow the licensure of dental therapists.
Rosalie Goode '15
Rosalie Goode ’15 became a dental hygienist through Pacific University’s School of Dental Hygiene. Now, thanks to a statewide pilot program at Pacific, she has become the first licensed member of a new cohort of mid-level dental provider in Oregon. 
A space to be in community with one another and Student Counseling Center staff for discussion and support.
