Find your passion in literary art: immerse yourself in it, understand it, create it.
Creative writing students practice an extensive study of literature along with the craft of writing. Pacific University’s workshop courses are small, intensive and geared toward the practice of craft. With the guidance and support of our writing professors, students write extensively in a variety of genres, provide critiques of each others’ work, and perfect the art of revision.
Take courses to hone your craft in a range of genres — from fiction and poetry to creative nonfiction and screenwriting.

Publications & Conferences
Unique to Pacific's program is the opportunity to serve on a professional literary magazine, Silk Road Review, as well as work with acclaimed writers as part of Pacific's Visiting Writers Series. To develop your craft, pursue internships with Pacific's MFA in writing graduate program and attend the prestigious Boldface Writers Conference with our faculty.
In the heart of Portland's rich literary culture, come and engage Literary Arts programming like Verselandia!, visit the fabled Powell's bookstore for readings, and connect with award-winning writers at the Portland Book Festival and Oregon Book Awards. Develop a rich and interdisciplinary portfolio of original work, learn how to get published, and find your writing community here.
— Charli Elliott '19
Careers in Creative Writing
Graduates of Pacific University’s Creative Writing degree program have a range of writing, editing, and innovative problem-solving skills highly valued in today's content-driven marketplace. Recent graduates have gone into publishing, writing for large and small businesses, law school, and health sciences programs in addition to being graphic novelists, fiction writers, and poets. Many continue their education, winning Fulbright positions or enrolling in MFA programs.
In this program, you will study the major authors, works, genres and literary movements of Western and World traditions, approaching these texts both analytically and historically. Develop your critical and creative thinking skills by examining texts analytically, historically and from multiple points of view. You will also find a unique voice, express yourself clearly in speaking and writing, and become an articulate interpreter and contributor to your culture.
Creative Writing Capstone Project
Creative writing students create a final artifact as a testament to their accrued body of knowledge and a portfolio of transferable skills bridging them into professional lives as writers, artists, scholars, editors, and content creators. Learn more about the capstone experience in creative writing.
Binford Endowed Scholarship in English
This scholarship is available to incoming first-year or transfer students majoring or minoring in English with a focus in literature or creative writing. This fund was created by a testamentary gift from the estate of Laura Phillips, for the charitable purpose of awarding scholarships to students “who have demonstrated the talent and interest in improving their writing skills and pursuing a career in writing.” The Binford Endowed Scholarship is designated for the educational benefit of students majoring or minoring in English who have demonstrated abilities and interest in writing. Qualifying first-year and transfer students will receive awards up to $5,000, as determined by the selection committee. Awards are available for up to four years, as long as students meet the award requirements.
Contact Us
Department of English | Pacific University
Bates House & Abigail Scott Duniway House
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116
Owólabi Aboyade MFA '25 has been awarded the Fall 2024 Mapmakers Teaching Assistantship, a competitive opportunity co-sponsored by the Master of Fine Arts and English programs.
Dawes has long been a member of the MFA poetry faculty, a guiding hand working steadfastly to build a more diverse and equitable program and lending his name to the Kwame Dawes Mapmakers Scholarship.
Videos of the fall and winter 2023-24 Mapmakers Alumni Institute sessions are now available.