Policies & Forms Directory

Employment of Relatives

POL - U1013

The University will not prohibit the employment of relatives provided that the employment does not create a conflict of interest and has been based on merit principles and that a member of the employee’s family does not influence the selection process.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Financial Irregularity

POL - U1014

Committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior, employees are expected to report known or suspected financial irregularities. Employees reporting known or suspected financial irregularities in good faith must feel safe and protected from retaliation. Employees found to have been making frivolous claims under the policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The purpose of this policy statement is to provide a formal protocol for communication among relevant parties.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Immigration Certification I-9

POL - U1015

All employees hired by the University must present documentation establishing their identity and employment authorization in accordance with the immigration laws of the United States prior to hire and upon request of the University at any time after hire.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Solicitation and Distribution

POL - U1016

The University prohibits solicitation of its personnel or distribution of literature by outsiders at any time. Faculty and staff members are not permitted to solicit University Personnel or distribute unauthorized literature during working time or within the working areas of the University. No employee may directly or indirectly sell any item or post any literature within the University or on University property without proper authorization.

Questions about this policy should be addressed to the Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Emergency Closures Policy

POL - U1017

Pacific University will make every attempt to keep offices and services operating inclement weather. However, there are occasions when severe inclement weather may necessitate closure of the university. In that event, the procedures within this policy will be observed. 

In the event of emergency closure, the University’s web site (www.pacificu.edu) will be updated with information about closures and /or late openings at the Forest Grove, Portland, and Eugene campuses. In addition, the University’s main switchboard at 503-357-6151 will have a recorded message if the University is closed. It is the responsibility of each employee to monitor this information. Additionally, information will be placed on local media regarding the University’s closures or late openings, but keep in mind that television and radio stations need extra time to update these messages.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Emergency Response System Policy

POL - U1018

In the event of an emergency the Pacific University Emergency Plan provides the guidelines to minimize the threat to life, health, and property due to natural disasters, medical emergencies, fires, and utility failures. The Pacific University General Emergency Plan is known to the campus community and is distributed to managers, supervisors, and student representatives. Training sessions are provided for all employees and students.

If, in the view of the University President or his/her designee, a condition occurs that might endanger the health and welfare of students, faculty, staff, or property of Pacific University, the Emergency Administrative System (EAS) will be activated by the University President or designee. Identified personnel will proceed immediately to open the Emergency Operations Center and follow established priority objectives and oversee response and recovery activities.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Responsibility for Personal Property

POL - U1019

Pacific University is not responsible for damage or loss of personal property on or off campus whether or not it is used on behalf of the University.

Employees are advised to take precautions when using personal items on campus and are encouraged to guard against theft or damage by keeping personal property secure at all times.

Friday, June 1, 2018

University Equipment

POL - U1020

Employees who use University equipment are responsible for its care and security, while under their control. Employees are not permitted to use University equipment for personal reasons or take University equipment home unless authorized by their supervisor. Unauthorized use or removal of University property is cause for immediate dismissal.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Change of Information Policy

POL - U1021

It is the responsibility of staff members to update relevant information such as address, telephone number or tax status, in applicable systems and if unable, the staff member shall notify the Human Resource Office of changes.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Keys Policy

POL - U1022

The appropriate administrative head may authorize a key or keys to an employee for her/his office, classroom and building. The administrative head authorizing the keys is also responsible to make sure the keys are returned upon termination of the employee.

Key authorization forms are available from Facilities Management and on their website. The employee assumes responsibility for the security of the various keys he/she will need. Each key is for personal use in discharge of assigned duties. Under no circumstances will an individual have keys duplicated or permit them to be duplicated unless written permission has been granted by the Facilities Department.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Thefts and Damage

POL - U1023

All thefts or damage to University property and all other thefts, which come to the attention of the University employees, are to be reported promptly to Campus Public Safety.

A form for such reports is available in the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Animal Control Policy

POL - U1024

Pacific University campus animal policies shall be in conformity with state, county, and city ordinances and regulations. In conformity with Oregon Health regulations relative to food services, no animals are allowed in the University Center.

The President, or her/his designee, shall duly assign administrative responsibility to implement these policies. Violations of this animal policy may result in calling the appropriate authority requesting removal of the animal.

See other applicable Pet/Animal Policies: Service and Companion Animal Policy

Friday, June 1, 2018

Identification Cards

POL - U1025

Identification (ID) cards (Boxer Cards) are issued to Pacific University employees. An ID card may be required for admission to or participation in University programs.

The University ID card also serves as a library card. ID cards are issued by Campus Public Safety.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Use of University Vehicles

POL - U1026

The University maintains a fleet of vehicles for use by employees for official school functions. A mileage rate is charged back to the appropriate budget unit using the vehicles.

A copy of the complete Motor Pool Policy and Procedures can be obtained through the Facilities Office. All requests for vehicle use should be scheduled through the Facilities Office.  No personal use of University vehicles is allowed.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Parking Policy

POL U-1027

Faculty, staff and students are expected to comply with campus parking rules and regulations. Parking permits and a copy of current parking regulations may be obtained from the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Parking Assessment Memo

Friday, June 1, 2018

Office Space and Furnishings

POL - U1028

The assigning of office space and furnishings for academic personnel is a function of the dean of the appropriate college or school in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Office space and furnishings for non-academic administrators and staff are assigned by the appropriate department head in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and administration.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Personnel Records

POL - U1030

Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all current and past employees to document benefits and employment related decisions and comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements.


Supervisors are discouraged from keeping informal files on employees. But supervisors may temporarily maintain records concerning ongoing employee performance. These records will be considered personnel records if they fall within the definition of “personnel records” as defined by ORS 652.750. Supervisors must follow all personnel record retention and confidentiality requirements and must transmit any personnel records to Human Resources in a timely manner and upon request by Human Resources.


Employees have a right to access their personnel records. An employee who wishes to review their personnel file should contact Human Resources to schedule a mutually convenient time when the file can be reviewed at the University. The personnel file cannot be removed from the Human Resources Department. In addition to reviewing their personnel records at the University or in lieu of that, employees may request hard or electronic copies of their personnel records. In accordance with Oregon law, a reasonable charge will be made for hard copies requested by employees.


To ensure the confidentiality of personnel information, access to an employee’s personnel file is limited to the employee, an employee’s authorized representative, and authorized administrators and supervisors.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Employment Verification Policy

POL - U1031

Pacific University will verify employment and respond to reference requests regarding current and former faculty and staff to outside organizations who request such information for credit or employment purposes.

Friday, June 1, 2018

General Guidelines to Safeguard Protected Health Information - Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide practical steps that workforce members can take to achieve the general limitations on the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI) as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA. 

The following guidelines are in accordance with the final Security Rule and consistent with the HIPAA privacy requirement to safeguard protected health information (PHI).  See 45 CFR § 164.530(c).  Use of these guidelines will improve the security of protected health information, and will also increase workforce awareness of the importance of keeping protected health information private.

Pacific University will use reasonable administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information and limit incidental uses or disclosures of protected health information. All members of the Pacific University workforce will follow these guidelines in handling protected health information (PHI) in order to protect the privacy of protected health information and limit incidental uses and disclosures.

PUNet ID Required to review
Updated May 2023

Confidentiality Statement for Fax with PHI Template (Updated April 2023)

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020

Healthcare Clinic Operations Workforce Training Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for training for all new and existing members of the Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce. This policy will cover initial, as well as periodic re-training standards. All workforce members of Pacific University receive training on current Federal, State and other applicable healthcare regulations. 

The scope of this policy is all workforce members of Pacific University’s Healthcare Clinics. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University Healthcare Clinics” shall be construed to refer only to the health care component of Pacific University.

PUNet ID Required to review
Updated August 2023

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018
