Policies & Forms Directory

Energy Management Policy


Pacific University’s energy management policy is designed to establish an understanding and support for sustainability and energy conservation in our local community and the world around us. 

Pacific University will regularly review energy consumption and implement methods to improve overall energy management and lower energy consumption. The Energy Management Team will recommend targets to university leadership.

PUNetID required to view policy document.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Air Filtration and Small Appliance Policy


Staff, students and faculty who may wish to supplement office equipment with the use of small appliances are responsible for the purchase, maintenance, and safety of such appliances in their spaces.

The use of air purifiers for space in Pacific University campuses and their efficiency depends on the size of the area they are trying to condition and the power available in the room/building. The University will not purchase air purifiers nor will the University Facilities department maintain the appliance or their filters. It is the sole responsibility of the owner.

Members of the university community should contact Facilities before using these or any other small appliances on campus.

PUNID Required to review policy.

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020

Library Privacy Policy


Pacific University Libraries are committed to respecting users’ privacy and acknowledge the role that privacy plays in fulfilling the Libraries’ mission to advance critical inquiry, collaborative learning, and knowledge creation. This policy’s purpose is to inform users about: 

  • How the Libraries handle personally identifiable information that may be collected
  • Actions the Libraries take in order to protect users’ privacy
  • Users’ rights while engaging with Libraries’ resources

This policy only applies to the Libraries’ website and any other web service hosted on behalf of the Libraries and does not cover any external service or site, even if it is linked from the Libraries’ resources.

Monday, Oct. 19, 2020

Admissions Policy


Pacific University admits* students based on their demonstrated preparedness to succeed in the course of study leading to the given degree and, where relevant, in the professions that the degree serves. Within established university protocols respecting requirements by the Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities and, where applicable, specialized accreditation requirements, each academic program defines the specific qualifications required for admission and has the authority to make exceptions in order to support the most appropriate admissions decisions based on holistic assessments of applicants.

* Criteria for admissions is distinct from criteria for transfer of credits. Transfer of credits for application to Pacific degrees is governed by the “University Transfer Policy;” undergraduate transfer is additionally governed by the “Undergraduate Transfer Credits Policy."

Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020

Distance Education Policy


This policy's purpose is to ensure that academic programs defined as distance education or including distance education components have processes through which the program, 1) establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit, 2) protects the privacy of student information in these processes, 3) informs students of these processes and any related costs, and, 4) complies with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations for distance education.

Pacific programs that offer distance education must maintain effective identity verification processes to establish that a student enrolled in distance courses or programs is the same person whose achievements are evaluated and credentialed. The program must ensure that the identity verification process protects student privacy and that students are informed, in writing at the time of enrollment, of current and projected charges associated with the identity verification process. Programs must additionally comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations for distance education, including regulations specific to enrolling students who reside outside of Oregon.


Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate-Professional Courses


The program faculties of Pacific University recognize that undergraduate students are sometimes well-prepared to engage successfully in graduate level course work, and that they may benefit academically from such advanced learning experiences. This policy provides guidelines and restrictions for Pacific students enrolled in an undergraduate course of study to concurrently enroll in graduate level coursework at Pacific. Students who enroll in graduate level coursework at another academic institution, should refer to Pacific University’s catalog for transfer policies of individual graduate programs.

PUNID Required to view policy.
Updated September 2024

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Graduate-Professional Enrollment in Undergraduate Courses


The program faculties of Pacific University recognize that sometimes graduate students may be advised by the graduate program director or their academic advisor to take an undergraduate course to meet certain proficiency requirements or to prepare them for knowledge or skills of an unfamiliar field that will benefit their graduate research, such as skills required for interdisciplinary work. This policy provides guidelines and restrictions for Pacific graduate students enrolling in undergraduate-level coursework at Pacific.

PUNID Required to view policy.

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Student Jury Duty Service Policy


Pacific University recognizes the importance of jury duty as a civic responsibility and aims to support students who have received a juror summons by offering reasonable academic and institutional support, keeping in mind that students may ask the court to defer their service to a later date. Students who are called to serve on a jury should consult with their instructors and academic advisors about the impact of their jury service on their course work and academic progress. Depending on the timing of the jury summons, students may wish to defer service and can consult their college dean for a letter of support if permitted or requested by the court.

In the event a student serves on a jury, the student is responsible for reporting her/his/their service and expected absences to instructors and academic advisor as soon as possible. Read more about faculty and student obligations within the policy document. 

PUNID required to view policy document. 


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Relocation and Moving Expense Policy


Guidance to hiring managers and employees for relocation benefits in connection with employment at Pacific University. Please reach out to Human Resources for questions related to this policy. 

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Policy


This policy describes the tuition assistance available to benefit eligible employees for graduate/professional programs at Pacific University. Employees receiving this benefit will receive one more payment in academic year 2025 (for use fall 2025 or spring 2026). No additional employees will receive this benefit after Jan. 1, 2025.

At the beginning of the 2025-26 academic year this benefit will be eliminated and replaced with a centralized Professional Development Fund to which employees in good standing can apply.  

For selected Pacific programs of study that are not already covered by the University employee tuition remission policy, and that are designed for working professionals, such as those with hybrid or distance- based curricula and/or a part time schedule, benefit eligible employees may receive tuition assistance not to exceed the value set annually by the IRS per calendar year as tax exempt, toward their Pacific degree program. Tuition charges and applicable fees in excess of the IRS approved amount will be the financial responsibility of the employee. Employees must be admitted and matriculated into a degree or certificate program to receive this benefit, and must maintain the program standard for academic good standing. Failure to maintain sufficient academic standards will result in a loss of this benefit.

For each new cohort (class) the Colleges may accept eligible and qualified employees as students in each degree or certificate program on a space available basis. Note that each program maintains ultimate decision-making authority on admissions decisions per program policies, procedures. Once an employee is accepted into the program, the tuition assistance will continue until the employee graduates as long as academic good standing is continuously maintained.


  • Employees must be in good standing
  • Employees must have been employed at Pacific for at least one year
  • Employees must be benefit eligible
  • Employees must be admitted to the program BEFORE they can apply for the assistance

Please see full policy for eligible programs. 

Updated January 2025
PUNID required to view policy. 

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025

Record Retention & Destruction Policy - Clinics


This policy describes and defines the retention and destruction of Protected Health Information (PHI) of patients of the healthcare component of Pacific University. The entire record must be maintained for the required period.

This policy is in accordance with all regulations related to the retention and storage of PHI, including but not limited to the follow healthcare regulations: HIPAA, HITECH, Oregon Administrative Rules, Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Medical Board.  In cases where regulation and laws offer conflicting retention schedules, Pacific University will comply with the most restrictive requirement.

Additional Key Documents
HCOCC Record Retention Schedule
FRM-4840-1 Certificate of Destruction - On Site
FRM-4840-2 Certificate of Destruction - Vendor


Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021

Remote Access Policy and Procedure


This policy applies universally to all remote access, regardless of ownership of the equipment used to perform the remote access. Pacific University determines the financial and technical feasibility of implementing technical controls and remote workstation security enhancements.

PUNID required to review policy.

Revised 2/8/2022

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019

Remote Work Policy


This policy establishes a structure for employees to work fully remote, or in a hybrid model based upon certain job functions and responsibilities.  Some job functions and responsibilities restrict or limit employee ability to work remotely. This policy will provide transparency and documentation for remote work for compliance, liability, and prioritize fairness, equity and employee engagement.

This policy, in conjunction with the Remote Work Plan and Agreement Form, ensures that both the supervisor and employee have a clear, shared understanding of the employee’s remote work arrangement.  The remote work agreement is unique based upon each situation and can be adapted to meet individual requirements and the needs of the position, supervisor, team and university.  The expectations for remote work is that the employee will effectively accomplish their regular job duties regardless of work location.

Please see the policy for additional requirements and expectations. 

Remote Work Plan and Agreement Form - February 2022

Monday, Feb. 14, 2022

Gifts, Awards, and Prizes Policy


This policy is intended to clarify the University’s expectations and requirements regarding purchasing gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes utilizing university and student funds.  In addition, this policy outlines when gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes may be appropriate, the proper procedure for submitting recipient information, the corresponding tax treatment, and to help prevent any potential fraud or misuse of university resources. 

This policy applies to all Pacific University employees, students, and non-employees associated with the University.

The policy is approved as of 3/1/22 but will have a grace period for potential consequences or sanctions for violation of the policy until 7/1/22. 

PUNID Required to view policy. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Reconsideration of Library & Archives Materials Policy

POL - LIB2602

Pacific University is “committed to free and open inquiry in matters concerning the advancement of knowledge. In order to carry out our mission, we encourage all community members to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn through a full, open, and civil discussion of ideas.”

In support of free and open inquiry, the Pacific University Libraries acquire and provide access to information resources to support Pacific’s diverse range of academic programs and areas of inquiry, and to encourage intellectual discovery by our students, staff, and faculty.

The intent of this policy and procedure is to help the Libraries create and curate collections that are inclusive and that inform our community's pursuit of education and knowledge without doing harm. 

PROCEDURE - Reconsideration of Library & Archives Materials

PUNID required to view policy and procedure.

Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022

Commercial Filming on University Property Policy

POL - UA6002

Pacific University will allow commercial filming on campus in instances when and where the filming project will be least disruptive to the academic or student life experience and ordinary operations of the university. Commercial filming by non-University entities offers many benefits, however, it can pose risks to the people, programs, and property of Pacific University. This policy mitigates those risks and outlines established rules and procedures to guide commercial filming.



Tuesday, May 10, 2022

In-Library Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policy


The Pacific University Libraries seek to advance critical inquiry, collaborative learning, and knowledge creation through dynamic services, spaces, and collections. The Libraries’ enactment of this mission is guided by our core values, which prioritize providing opportunities to engage with diverse ideas, providing services that contribute to equitable access to information, and the use of inclusive approaches to delivering services.

Aligned with this mission and these values, the Libraries provide information technology resources — desktop and laptop computers configured to allow unfiltered access to subscribed and open Internet information resources — that are available both to Pacific University students, staff, and faculty and to external community patrons for use in Libraries facilities. The primary intended purpose of these resources is to support the teaching, learning, research, service, and administrative activities of the Pacific community; a secondary purpose is to support the personal information technology/resource needs of the Pacific community and the academic and personal needs of external community members.

Access to these information technology resources and to subscribed and open Internet resources is provided in compliance with the American Library Association’s (ALA) Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Access to Digital Resources and Services: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights statement.

This Computer/Internet Use Policy is intended to elaborate on and extend the Pacific University Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology policy; library computer users should refer to that policy as the primary source of parameters, rights, and restrictions on the use of information technology in Libraries facilities.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Business Conduct Policy


Committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior, employees are expected to report known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct. Employees reporting known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct in good faith must feel safe and protected from retaliation. Employees found to have been making frivolous claims under this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The purpose of this policy statement is to provide a formal protocol for communication among relevant parties.

Pacific University will investigate any possible fraudulent or dishonest conduct, including misuse of University resources or property by faculty, staff or students. Anyone found to have engaged in fraudulent or dishonest conduct is subject to disciplinary action by the University up to and including dismissal or expulsion, and civil or criminal prosecution when warranted.

All members of the University community are encouraged to report possible fraudulent or dishonest conduct. An employee should report his or her concerns to their manager. Managers are required to report suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct to the Vice President of Finance and Administration. If for any reason an employee finds it difficult to report his or her concern to a manager, the employee can report it directly to the Vice President of Finance and Administration (VPFA), the Director of Human Resources, or the University Controller/Assistant VPFA.

Fraudulent or dishonest conduct may include criminal acts, subject to prosecution under the law. The university must safeguard its assets and reputation and protect its funds from theft and misappropriation. This policy provides information on the proper procedures that should be followed to report known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct. These procedures have been developed to achieve confidentiality and consistency. In addition, this policy establishes a central collection point for reporting all known or suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct so that financial and system controls can be thoroughly and consistently reviewed, evaluated and modified in order to prevent similar irregularities in the future.

See policy for more information. 

Contact Information

Office of the President, 503-352-2123, president@pacificu.edu

Finance and Administration, 503-352-2258

Human Resources, hraccount@pacificu.edu

Friday, May 17, 2013

Language Services Policy

POL - COM4841

The purpose of this policy is to establish language proficiency requirements for Providers in accordance with OHA 333.002.0250.

Pacific University will allow Providers to interpret from English to the target language, when arranging for or providing services to a person with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), when the Provider meets the proficiency standard, prior to acting as interpreter. Patient requests for a certified or qualified interpreter from the Health Care Interpreters Registry will be honored by Pacific University.

This policy applies to Providers within Pacific University’s Healthcare Clinics. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care components of Pacific University.

Updated October 2024.

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022

Cultural Collections Deaccessioning Policy


Pacific University has maintained unique collections of artifacts, art, and archival records for many years. While the great majority of these materials will remain at Pacific indefinitely, occasionally some items need to be transferred or discarded – a process formally described as “deaccessioning” – from our permanent collections. Professional guidelines for museums and archives recommend that formal standards for deaccessioning be created and maintained by collecting institutions. This policy provides: standards for considering materials for deaccessioning; the authorities and restrictions on making deaccessioning decisions; and the valid means of disposal or transfer of deaccessioned materials.

Cultural Collections Deaccessioning Policy

Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022
