With finals just around the corner, students may chat, email or call library staff for assistance. Pacific Libraries are also looking for students to take a survey and apply for its newly created student advisory board. Fourteen paid positions are up for grabs for undergraduate and graduate students.
News, Media and Stories | Current Events
The Admissions department and Career Development Center are hosting a series of events for current students to help them with job searching, resume building, and much more.
Pacific University ceramics students have created a fundraiser to support a local charity, HomePlate Youth. Please consider supporting this event by Nov. 17.
The Pacific University Theatre and Dance Department presents the Autumn Choreographers Concert in an exclusive online event, streaming Nov. 12-14.
The College of Arts and Sciences announces the Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Conference. View student projects online from Oct. 26 to Oct. 29. Students are invited to present research and creative projects in an all-digital online format through Friday, Oct. 23 at 8 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time).
You've registered, you've checked your mailing address, you're ready to make your voice heard in November. But how are you supposed to decide exactly who and what to vote for? Making informed voting decisions can feel like an enormous project, but resources are available for making informed voting decisions in the 2020 election.
Fire alarm and mechanical testing in campus buildings started on June 15, and will continue until June 30.
The elections for Undergraduate Student Senate and the Hispanic Heritage Student Association are underway. Read about the deadlines and make your vote count!
If you're interested in joining the undergraduate Student Senate, elections are coming up!