Human Resources is bringing back its Zoom drop-in sessions. Check out our schedule. Plus learn more about how and when to report hours worked as well as the process for reviewing and approving student and employee timecards in Paycom.
News, Media and Stories | Human Resources
Faculty and staff are invited to attend the 2023 "Bee Well" Benefits & Wellness Fairs at the Forest Grove and Hillsboro campuses.
Fall 2023 semester is right around the corner! Get a head start on completing the forms to hire students and get them into the Paycom system asap!
UIS and HR met with Nonstop Wellness this month to brainstorm and proactively address any fraud related activity as well as to prevent future incidents, due to a winter 2022 data breach. Learn about steps to protect your information.
The annual staff performance review is an opportunity to document achievements and goals to create alignment, recognition, and shared purpose between employees and their supervisor. Learn more about the upcoming process and deadlines.
Student supervisors, a reminder that student timecards will be locked starting on Thursday, June 29, for the fiscal year rollover. Also, please remember to notify Human Resources if you have students working this summer.
The search for the Vice President of Human Resources and Chief People Officer is underway and the search committee plans to invite finalists for on-campus interviews from June 26 to 28. Please look for invitations to hybrid open forums on those days to provide input if interested.
Student supervisors, please make sure to complete the proper paperwork for any student planning to work in your department after July 1. Also, timecards will be locked on Friday, June 29, to prepare for the fiscal year rollover.
June is National Safety Month. Learn more about how Pacific University is working to improve safety across all campuses through improved communication, accessible online resources, safety drills, and ongoing improvement planning.
Student supervisors, please make sure to complete the proper paperwork for any student worker planning to work over the summer. Forms must be completed before the new fiscal year kicks in on July 1, to ensure that the student's information is kept in Paycom.