Writing music gives youth opportunity to create and connect.
News, Media and Stories | Current Students
Music therapy major Andrea Eitner '17 explores the uses of music therapy in the NICU — and finds a career aspiration.
Madison Clifford '17 explores the journey of loss in a nine-piece art installation for her senior capstone project.
Clara Howell '17 created an annual magazine for the university to enhance deeper storytelling on campus.
Media arts major and football player Warner Shaw '17 turned a competitive setback into an academic success by producing a film about his injury recovery.
Marine veteran and Pacific University public health major Irisa Grimes '17 has created a pilot program to provide better health services for transgender veterans.
Senior Makkie Conching developed a vertical gardening system for her sustainable design major, hoping to help those with limited garden space grow their own food. "About 85 percent of our food in Hawai‘i is imported," said Conching, who is from Oahu. "I wanted to start with my family and help them produce our own food."
Offered over Winter Term 2018, students enrolled in OL-255 will travel to Río Usumacinta in the Lancandon Rainforest to explore the rivers, ruins, and wildlife that the classical Mayan world has to offer.
Sonja Feinberg '17, loved earning her BA degree in Sustainable Design and is now looking forward to earning her Master’s in Architecture at Portland State University. In a Q&A, she talks about what she enjoyed while taking both environmental and art classes at Pacific and how she decided on which grad school to attend.