Upcoming Admissions Events
We want YOU to feel confident in becoming a Boxer. Join us for any of our signature events and learn about the Pacific community and what it means to be a part of the Boxer Family.
Senior Preview Scholarship Days
Experience the Pacific University campus and community while earning an $8,000 tuition scholarship at Pacific! This event includes a presentation by a Pacific University Oregon Admissions counselor, meetings with faculty, interactions with current students, and a tour of our campus. Representatives from financial aid will also be available to answer questions. Attendees will receive an annual $2,000 tuition scholarship, totaling $8,000 over four years, upon attending a session and participating. Learn More and Sign Up
Daily Campus Visit
For families who would like to visit our campus on a non-event day, please visit this page.
Virtual Pacific YOU & Athletics Sessions
Athletic Director Keith Buckley will be there to answer questions on all things related to being a Student-Athlete at Pacific University. Jeff Grundon, former Pacific coach and current admissions counselor, will be there to answer questions about the application timeline and what to expect as a student athlete. Learn More and Sign Up
Pacific University at College Fairs
Come visit us at a regional college fair near you! You can find more information about regional college fairs in the list of upcoming events below, or on the calendar. You can also look up your admissions counselor and see their schedule, and when they might be visiting near you.
Contact Us
Cheryl Plews| Undergraduate Admissions, Events Coordinator
Knight Hall | 503-352-2841 | cplews@pacificu.edu