Pharmacist Provider Status in Oregon

Oregon is a progressive state where pharmacists have provider status and practice at the top of their pharmacy licensure. Not all pharmacists in the U.S. have provider status as not every state grants privileges to pharmacists to deliver patient care as providers, immunizers, and prescribers.

PharmD students at Pacific University in Oregon work with our faculty and other pharmacy preceptors within this advanced scope of practice. Pacific’s PharmD program prepares you for a robust pharmacy career in Oregon, where you are able to:

  • Practice under a collaborative practice agreement allowing for prescribing/stopping/changing medications, ordering and monitoring labs, conducting independent patient visits, and more.
  • Prescribe short-acting hormonal contraception to women without a doctor’s visit.
  • Practice in a broad scope of practice allowing for comprehensive medication management and pharmacist credentialing with various payers.
  • Prescribe as a community pharmacist via Protocol and Formulary Compendium
  • Be recognized and included within the patient-centered primary care model at the state level. 

Contact Us

Tony Potter | Assistant Director of Graduate and Professional Admissions
503-352-7229 |