News, Media and Stories | Faculty Accomplishments

David Brown Audiology , SIMLab Director
Pacific University Audiology Professor and SIMLab Director David Brown was elected as a Fellow by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Rosa Floyd
Rosa Floyd, Oregon’s 2023 Teacher of the Year, is “an incredible mentor for our up-and-coming teachers,” said Leif Gustavson, dean of Pacific University’s College of Education. 
Nancy Murakami
Nancy Murakami may spend most of her time in Oregon, but the Pacific University social work professor is never far from trauma’s front lines. 
Fawzy Elbarbry
The National Institute of Health has awarded Pharmacy Professor Fawzy Elbarbry $365,966 for a three-year study as part of its “Support for Research Excellence” program. His study, which will involve student researchers, will examine alternate ways to treat hypertension.
Michael Boardman pacific math Professor
The College Board has appointed Pacific University Mathematics Professor Michael Boardman to serve as the Advanced Placement (AP) Chief Faculty Consultant, also known as Chief Reader.
MFA faculty poet Shara McCallum nominated for 2022 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award
Mari Fujimoto OD ’19, who is a professor at Pacific, earned a leadership certificate at the Oregon Optometric Physicians Association's annual meeting in July.
Dr. Tzurei Chen
Dr. Chen, third-year physical therapy student Madelyn Foulk '23, and Sara Tomlinson PT '22 and Sydney Neumann PT '22 presented a poster at the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics in Taipei, Taiwan.
Nancy Christoph
Christoph teaches Spanish, dual languages and international studies at Pacific University.
Dr. Chen 7 Kylee Seto '23
Faculty and a student from the School of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training presented research at the 17th International Symposium of 3-D Analysis of Human Movement (3D-AHM) in Tokyo, Japan. 
